Quinilli of House Aintli
A Navigator whose House’s Fortunes are waning with incredible speed due to suspicions of heresy and mutation, the Navigator has been sent to fulfil an ancient pact between his House and House Alderelle in the hopes that as one regains their fortunes the other will be helped back to their feet. The Navigator himself acts keeps up a dignified appearance and tries to show his House at its best and find the breakthrough his House needs, all the while hiding his Houses waning fortunes and his own eccentricities from the crew.
Name: Quinilli of House Aintli
Career: Navigator
Origin Path
Noble Born (-5 Willpower, +5 Fellowship, Etiquette, Legacy of Wealth, Supremely Connected, Vendetta)
Vaunted (+3 Fellowship, -3 Perception, Decadence)
Tainted (Mutant) (Nightstrider = Gains Dark Sight, but takes -10 to all tests when in areas of bright light unless the eyes are shielded and skin covered)
Press-Ganged (Unwilling Accomplice, Jealous Freedom)
Pride (+3 Toughness)
WS: 34
BS: 44
S: 39
T: 36 (Base: 38, +3 from Pride, -5 from Elongated Form)
Ag: 43
Int: 43 (Base: 38, +5 from xp)
Per: 42 (Base: 40, -3 from Vaulted, +5 from xp)
Will: 37 (Base: 42, -5 from Noble Born)
Fellow: 46 (Base: 38, +5 from Noble Born, +3 From Vaulted)
Wounds: 1d5 + 6 = 7
Fate Points: 2
Corruption: 1d5 = 4
Awareness (from xp)
Ciphers (Nobilite Family) (from Unwilling Accomplice)
Common Lore (Navis Nobilite)
Forbidden Lore (Navigators, Warp)
Navigation (Stellar, Warp)
Scholastic Lore (Astronomy)
Scrutiny (from Unwilling Accomplice)
Secret Tongue (Navigator) (from xp)
Speak Language (High Gothic, Low Gothic)
Trade (Astrographer) (from xp)
Peer (Mercantile, Nobility) (from Supremely Connected)
Pistol Weapon Training (Universal)
The Eye is Open
Dark Sight (from Nightstrider)
Good-Craftsmanship hand cannon
Best-Craftsmanship metal staff
Best-Craftsmanship xeno-mesh armour
Emperor’s tarot deck
Silk headscarf
Nobilite robes
Navigator Powers
Gaze into the Abyss (Adept) (from A Gaze to Pierce the Soul)
The Lidless Stare (Adept)
Void Watcher (Adept)
Navigator House
House Aintli, Shrouded House (Destitute, A Gaze to Pierce the Soul, Mercantile Opportunists)
Navigator Mutations
Elongated Form (lose 1d5 Toughness permanently, rolled a 5)
Awareness (100xp)
Intelligence (Simple, 100xp)
Perception (Simple, 100xp)
Secret Tongue (Navigator) (100xp)
Trade (Astrographer) (100xp)