The Sorcerer is a character with the ability to learn and manipulate magic.
Sorcerer Abilites Table
Levels | Experience Points | Hit Dice | Combat Bonus | Magic Bonus | Spells Known |
1 | 0 | 4 | +0 | +1 | 1 - - - - - |
2 | 125 | 6 | +0 | +1 | 2 - - - - - |
3 | 250 | 8 | +0 | +1 | 2 1 - - - - |
4 | 500 | 10 | +0 | +2 | 2 2 - - - - |
5 | 1000 | 12 | +0 | +2 | 2 2 1 - - - |
6 | 2000 | 14 | +1 | +2 | 3 2 2 - - - |
7 | 4000 | 16 | +1 | +3 | 3 2 2 1 - - |
8 | 8000 | 18 | +1 | +3 | 3 3 2 2 - - |
9 | 16000 | 20 | +1 | +3 | 3 3 2 2 1 - |
10 | 32000 | 22 | +1 | +4 | 3 3 2 2 2 - |
11 | 64000 | 24 | +2 | +4 | 4 3 3 2 2 1 |
12 | 125000 | 26 | +2 | +4 | 4 4 3 3 2 2 |
Hit Points
Sorcerers start with 4 hit points (adjust by Constitution bonus). At each level, the Sorcerer gains an additional 2 hit points (adjusted by Constitution bonus) that represent incoming attacks that the Sorcerer avoids due a combination of luck, skill, fatigue, magical essence, and experience. Only their original first level hit points represent any substantial damage to the Sorcerer.
Magic Bonus
Sorcerers start with a +1 bonus to all casting rolls. Every three levels this improves by one. This bonus is also applied to Saving Throws against the spells of others.
Saving Throw Bonus
Sorcerer's add their Magic Bonus to all Saving Throws against Magic. They add their Combat Bonus to all Saving Throws against natural phenomenon, such as poison and disease.
Counter Spell
To come....
Combat Bonus
Sorcerers start with on bonus to combat but at 6th level gain a bonus due to their inherent magical nature and experience. They gain an additional bonus at 11th level.
Spells Known
Sorcerers start with 1 known spell at 1st level. Levels represent the Sorcerer's increasing ability to command and work magic. At each level the Sorcerer has the ability to learn a new spell. The table above shows the maximum possible complexity of spell the Sorcerer can command at each level. It is always possible to learn a lower complexity spell in place of a higher one, but not vice versa.
Sorcerers do not automatically learn a spell upon gaining a level. This only represents the ability to learn spells. The character must seek out knowledge of knew spells and then spend down time learn those spells. Once learned a spell can never by unlearned to open up memory for other spells.
Casting Magic
To cast a spell, declare the spell desired to be cast, roll 2d6 + Magic Bonus - Spell Complexity - Encumbrance - Fatigue. Consult the table below for the result.
Adjust Roll | Spell Result | Fatigue Cost | Description |
2 or less | Fumble | 1 | Spell Fails and Catastrophic Result |
3-5 | Failure | 1 | Spell Fails |
6-8 | Delayed | 1 | Spell Delayed One Time Segment, Goes Off with Full Effect if Caster Uninterrupted |
9-11 | Immediate | 1 | Spell Goes Off Immediately with Full Effect |
12 or more | Critical | 0 | Spell Goes Off Immediately with Full Effect and No Fatigue Cost |
Ritual Magic
Many spells can be cast as rituals. These rituals can be maintained indefinitely by the Sorcerer. However, each such spell costs the Sorcerer 1 point of Magical Fatigue. As such, Sorcerers will tend to either specialize in casting all ritual spells and maintaining them or in casting no such spells and using other spells on the spot.
Complexity Level 1: Charm Courage Command Cure Wounds Detect Enemies Detect Magic Diminution/Enlargement Faerie Fire Feather Fall Hold Portal Identify Jump Light/Dark Magic Aura Mending Message Protection Cyllian:Purify:Purify Food & Water Read Magic Read Languages Remove Fear Shield Silence Sleep Sound Strength Travel Turn Undead Unseen Servant
Complexity 2 Spells
- Augury
- Delay Poison
- Enthrall
- Heat Metal
- Heroism
- Resist Cold
- Resist Fire
- Detect Invisible
- Force of Forbidment
- Forget
- Invisibility
- Knock
- Levitate
- Magic Mouth
- Mirror Image
- Phantasmal Force
- Weakness
- Speak with Animals
- Stinking Cloud
- Wall of Fog
- Web
- Wizard Lock