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Zan Burke

  • Age: 42
  • Homeworld: "Gamma (0135 Antares) B344984-E N Hi Ht In". Its name is Gamma, it's located at hex coordinate 0135 in Antares sector, it has stats of B344984-E, a naval base, and the trade codes High Population, High Technology, Industrial.
  • Service History: Navy(eng/gun) - 6/6[Master Chief, Retired]
  • Str 4(-1), Dex 7(0), End 7(0), Int 9(+1), Edu 12(+2), Soc 6(0)
  • Skills: Mechanic - 3, Sensors - 3, Engineer(life support) - 2, Engineer(power plant) - 2, Engineer(jump) - 1, Gunner(screens) - 1, Gunner(turrets) - 1, Gunner(capitol weapons) - 1, Recon - 1, Vacc Suit - 1, Computers - 0, Gun Combat - 0, Medic - 0, Physical Science - 0, Pilot - 0, Streetwise - 0, Trade - 0, Zero-G - 0
  • Cash: 56900k
  • Intangibles: 6 Ship Shares, TAS Membership, 12K a year pension
  • Notes: Minor Noble Contact shared with Miranda, Relocated, Survived home invasion, Key player in famous naval battle, Good fortune
  • Equipment: HEV Suit (TL12), 8 protection, 18kg w/ Mag Grapples@18100cr; Cloth (TL10), 5 protection, 1kg@500cr; Hand Computer/2 (TL11), 1kg@700cr w/ Security 1 (TL9)@200cr, Intelligent Interface 1 (TL11)@100cr, Translator 1 (TL10)@500cr