Blue Rose: Bitter Ashes of an Eternal Flame:Eryn
Name: Eryn Player: HardKore Keltoid Background: Jarzoni Role: 2nd level Expert Alignment: Twilight Calling: Justice (justice) Nature: Determined / Petty
Abilities: Strength +0 Dexterity +3 Constitution +0 Intelligence +0 Charisma +2 Wisdom +1
Favoured Skills: Bluff Craft Diplomacy Gather Information Heal Intimidate Knowledge (religion) Notice Sneak Survival
Trained Skills: Bluff +7 Gather Information +7 Heal +5 Intimidate +7 Knowledge (religion) +5 Notice +6 Sneak +8
Favoured Feats: Fascinate Favoured Foe (shadowspawn) Favoured Foe (heretics)
Feats: Arcanum (Mind Touch) Armour Training (light) Improved Demoralise Quick Draw Uncanny Dodge Weapon Finesse
Arcana: Mind Touch +7
Melee, light: +4 (+1 Role, +3 Dexterity) Melee, other: +1 (+1 Role, +0 Strength) Ranged: +4 (+1 Role, +3 Dexterity) Weapons: Unarmed +4 +0 damage (+0 weapon, +0 Strength), x2 crit Sickle +4 +2 damage (+2 weapon, +0 Strength), x2 crit Light crossbow +4 +3 damage, 19-20/2x crit, 80'
Dodge: +5 (+2 Role, +3 Dexterity) Armour: Masterwork studded leather Armour bonus: +3 Armour penalty: +0 Max Speed: 30' Max Dodge: +5 Defense: 16 Defense (touch): 13 Defense (flatfooted): 13
Toughness: +1 Fortitude: +0 Reflex (Good): +6 Will (Good): +4
Conviction: 2/3
Equipment: Sickle 2 lbs Masterwork studded leather 20 lbs Traveling outfit worn Waterskin 4 lbs Bedroll 5 lbs Backpack 4 lbs 1 day's rations 1 lbs Torch 1 lbs Flint and steel - Light crossbow 4 lbs 17 bolts 2 lbs
Encumbrance: 43 lbs (medium load) Speed: x2/3 Movement: -3 Max Dodge: +3
Initiative: +3 Speed: 20'
Bruised: Dazed: Staggered: Unconscious:
Hurt: 1 Wounded: Crippled: Dying: