Blue Rose: Bitter Ashes of an Eternal Flame:Vanko

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Name: Vanko Player: Afterburner Background: Jarzoni Role: 2nd level Warrior Alignment: Light Calling: The Sun (championing the everyday) Nature: Courageous / Suspicious

Abilities: Strength +4 (1 point of Strength damage) Dexterity +0 Constitution +4 Intelligence -1 Charisma -1 Wisdom +0

Favoured Skills: Bluff Climb Craft Intimidate Jump Knowledge (Geography) Knowledge (Religion) Notice Sense Motive Survival

Trained Skills: Craft (woodworking) +4 Intimidate +4 Notice +5 Survival +5

Favoured Feats: Fascinate Favored Foe (heretics) Favored Foe (shadowspawn)

Feats: Armor Training (all) Cleave Great Toughness x 2 Skill Training Weapon Training

Melee: +6 (+2 Role, +4 Strength) Ranged: +2 (+2 Role, +0 Dexterity) Weapons: Unarmed +6 +4 damage (+0 weapon, +4 Strength), x2 crit Masterwork greataxe +7 +9 damage (+5 weapon, +4 Strength), x3 crit

Dodge: +3 (+3 Role, +0 Dexterity) Armour: Armour bonus: Armour penalty: Max Speed: Max Dodge: Defense: 13 Defense (touch): 13 Defense (flatfooted): 10

Toughness: +8 (+2 Role, +4 Constitution, +2 feat) Fortitude: +7 Reflex: +0 Will: +0

Conviction: 2/3

Equipment: Masterwork Greataxe 12 lbs Backpack 8 lbs Winter Blanket 3 lbs Bedroll 1 lb Rations x7 7 lbs Waterskin 4 lbs Space 8 lbs Rope, Hemp 10 lbs Lumberjack's outfit worn

Encumbrance: 57 lbs (light load) Speed: x 1 Movement: +0 Max Dodge: N/A

Initiative: +0 Speed: 30'

Bruised: Dazed: X Staggered: Unconscious:

Hurt: 1 Wounded: Crippled: Dying: