Marius the Unnamed
Main Page; The Prax Adventure
Marius the Unnamed
Found washed up from a shipwreck, the man dubbed Marius the Unnamed by the people who found him has no idea of his true name and identity.
- Name: Marius the Unnamed
- Race: Human (he assumes...)
- Cults: he can't remember...
- Social Condition: he can't remember
- Sex: Male
- Previous Experience: no idea
- Appearance: big, blonde haired blue eyed
Str: 15, Con: 14', Siz: 17', Int: 13 Pow: 12' , Dex: 11, Cha: 10.
- Damage Bonus: +1d4
- Hit Points: 16
- Magic Points: 12
- Encumbrance limit
Skill Groups
- Communication +2%
- Bargain (5%):
- Fast Talk (5%):
- Orate (5%): 55%
- Sing (15%): 45%
- Language [Seshnela] (INTx5%); 65%
- Language [Trade] (INTx3%); 36%
- Manipulation +3%
- Conceal (5%): 39%
- Device (5%): 50%
- Sleight of Hand (5%):
- Instrument [fiddle); 20%
- Knowledge +3%
- Evaluate (5%):
- First Aid (10%); 30%
- Shiphandling (0%): 25%
- Read/Write [Seshnela](0%): 50%
- Perception +5%
- Listen (25%): 75%
- Scan (25%): 75%
- Search (25%): 45%
- Track (5%): 40%
- Agility -4%
- Boat (5%)
- Climb (40%)
- Dodge (5%): 40%
- Jump (25%)
- Ride (5%): 95%
- Swim (15%): 35%
- Throw (25%):
- Hide (10%)
- Sneak (10%)
- Magic +3%
Ceremony (5%): 87%