TBV:Galabreth Scalebane

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Galabreth Scalebane[edit]

Culture: High Elf of Rivendell
Standard of Living: Prosperous
Cultural Blessing: Against the Unseen. Perceive creatures that dwell in wraith-world. Also, automatically succeed on any fear tests forced upon them by undead creature.
Calling: Slayer Shadow weakness: Curse of Vengeance
Specialties: Dragon-Lore, Enemy of Sauron, Smith-craft
Distinctive features: Fierce, Wraithful
Body: 6 Heart: 5 Wits: 6
Body (favoured): 9 Heart (favoured): 7 Wits (favoured): 7

Common Skills[edit]

* Awe: 2
* Inspire: 0
* Persuade: 0
Movement •
* Athletics: 3
* Travel: 1
* Stealth: 0
* Awareness: 2
* Insight: 0
* Search: 1
* Explore: 0
* Healing: 2
* Hunting: 0
Custom •
* Song: 2
* Courtesy: 1
* Riddle: 0
Vocation ••
* Craft: 2
* Battle: 3
* Lore: 3

Weapon Skills[edit]

  • (Spears): 2
  • Longsword: 3
  • Bow: 1
  • Dagger: 1


  • Fell (+2 to Injury)


  • Might of the Firstborn (Make a Valour roll against TN10+AL. On a success, negate Hate-fuelled special ability. On GS/ES Hate cost is still paid. On a failure, you cannot again use MotF for the battle. On a failure or an Eye {pass or fail} spend a point of Hope)


  • Long Sword damage: 5/7 edge: 10 injury: 18/20 enc: 3
  • Bow damage: 5 edge: 10 injury: 14 enc: 1
  • Dagger damage: 3 edge: G injury: 12 enc: 0
  • Ancient Armour protection: 2D enc: 8

Fatigue & Endurance[edit]

Endurance: 3 Starting Endurance: 30 WEARY
Fatigue from Encumbrance: 12 Fatigue from Travel: 0 Total Fatigue: 12
Default Journey Role: Look-out

Hope & Shadow[edit]

Hope: 9 Starting Hope: 12
Temporary Shadow: 3 Permanent Shadow: 0 Total Shadow: 3
Fellowship Focus: unspecified
Eye Awareness: 4 Starting Eye Awareness: 4 Hunt Threshold: 12

Protection & Damage[edit]

Armour: 2d Headgear: +0
Parry: 6
Damage: 6 Ranged: 6

Experience & Advancement[edit]

Wisdom: 2 Valour: 2
Experience: 0/0 Advancement: 0/0
Fellowship: ? Treasure: 0 Standing: 0
Sanctuaries: Rivendell


Once a young Scion of The House of the Tower of Snow, she was gravely injured when Gondolin fell but she did manage to evacuate a small part of her household. Her injuries were caused by Siloth, one of the least worms of Morgoth.

She was dragged almost lifeless from the field by those she had defended, her enemy burrowed into the earth wounded and vengeful. Eventually they made their way to the House of Elrond....where she has brooded ever since finding some small peace on patrol beyond the valley.