Typhonian Reach Taarlak

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Taarlak Vaar, the Teacher of Tolundria


Taarlak Vaar looks like a dark brown-skinned man in his 50s, complete with a full black beard with streaks of gray in it, going with his long, equally graying hair and carefully styled mustaches. His dark eyes twinkle with jovial good humour as he overlooks his student's training in his dojo in Tolundria, The School of the Avalanche Fist, where the greatest fighters in the world are made (according to him, of course).

Even though he is in his 50s, he moves, breathes and...well, does everything with the ease of a man in the prime of his life. Even before he was bound to the word of Health, he was known for barely ever getting sick, of training well into the night, and of going out on long excursions deep into the wilderness with barely any supplies. Similarly, Taarlak was a master of unarmed combat before he was bound to the Sword and Alacrity, but now his skills have gone deep into the uncanny. He casually parries the sword-swings of entire mobs of enemy soldiers, and disarms bowmen before they can even draw their strings back. Despite this, Taarlak refuses to attack except out of defense of himself or of another, believing that unchecked aggression opens one's soul up to the corrupting influences that brought down the devil-kings and so many other strange beings.



XP 0


  • -Was a Martial Arts Teacher even before he became a demigod, and still is.
  • Created his own styles from observing nature in motion, such as the Avalanche Fist Style (Lesser Strife of Broken Earth) from the mountains themselves.
  • He comes from the mountain city-state of Tolundria.


STR 13 (+1, Attribute Check 8+)

CON 18 (+3, Attribute Check 3+)

DEX 13 (+1, Attribute Check 8+)

INT 10 (+0, Attribute Check 11+)

WIS 16 (+2, Attribute Check 5+)

CHA 14 (+1, Attribute Check 7+)


HAR 12+

EVA 14+

SPT 13+


AC 6 (thick upland clothes/hides effectively serve as light armor; Dex)

HP 11

Base Attack Bonus +1

Common Attacks

  • Knife (light, +2, 1d6+1)
  • Hand Sickle (light, +2, 1d6+1)

Fray Die 1d8

Words and Gifts

WORD 1: DEATH (ACTION: command 1 Mob of undead [greater undead get SPT save to resist]; ON TURN: know details of death within 100')


  • Keeper of the Graves (ON TURN: detect/analyze undead/corpses/etc. within 200'; Commit Effort for invincible defense vs. lesser undead)
  • Withholding the Mercy (CONSTANT: choose whether 0-HD/HP creatures within 200' stabilize or die; willing living creatures at 0 HD act +1 rounds before dying)

WORD 2: FERTILITY (CON to 16 or 18 if 16+; invincible defense vs. wooden weapons and flora generally; perfect control of reproduction)


  • Birth Blessing (ACTION: Control/shape others' reproduction and fetuses, to the point of inducing Immaculate Conceptions)
  • Unending Abundance (ACTION: Commit Effort for day; land within 10 miles blooms/becomes beneficial Feature)

WORD 3: HEALTH (CON to 16 or 18 if 16+; invincible defense vs. poison/disease; can diagnose diseases)


  • Ender of Plagues (ACTION: Commit Effort: Scene: cure diseases/poisons within sight; Day: cure extends to 1/2 mile radius, instantly detects disease vectors in that area)

Other Gifts:


Effort 2

Influence 2

Dominion 0

Wealth 0


knife, sickle, hardy traveling clothes