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Illuminous the Arcane, Master of the Healing Flame and Keeper of the Citadel of Learning


male, xxxxx



XP 0


  • Born into the people of the volcano, awakened the mysteries of fire. (Familiar with Cinnabar Order Magic)
  • Wandered the earth pursuing lost knowledge, a sage of the ancient and forbidden lore.
  • Saved from death by a healing adept. (Familiar with the Merciful Hand)


STR 10 (+0, Attribute Check 11+)

CON 13 (+1, Attribute Check 8+)

DEX 14 (+1, Attribute Check 7+)

INT 18 (+0, Attribute Check 3+)

WIS 16 (+2, Attribute Check 5+)

CHA 13 (+1, Attribute Check 8+)


HAR 14+

EVA 12+

SPT 13+


AC 2 (Immediate Foresight; Dex)

HP 9

Base Attack Bonus +1

Common Attacks

  • Withering Hour (INT-based, +4, 1d10+3 to 200 feet; magic weapon)
  • Throwing Knife (light, +2, 1d6+1 to 120 feet)

Other Likely Occurrences

  • Fireball (2d10 fire within 20')
  • Cinnabar Conflagration (AC 5, HD 8, Attack +8 x2 attacks, Morale 12, Move 60' flight, Save 11+, Damage 1d10 flame bolt, Effort 3)

Fray Die 1d8

Words and Gifts

WORD 1: KNOWLEDGE (INT or WIS to 16 or 18 if 16+)


  • Excision of Understanding (ACTION: make target forget one language/field of knowledge/event for as long as you choose; worthy foes save vs. SPT)
  • The Omniscient Scholar (CONSTANT: know/auto-succeed at/answer questions concerning all fields of intellectual learning mortal sages [including most anakim, but not the immortal Sphinxes] know)

WORD 2: SORCERY (Commit Effort for scene to banish low magic effect/summoning; NO NATIVE MIRACLES)


  • Adept of the Gate (CONSTANT: Knows four Gate invocations and may learn others)

WORD 3: TIME (WIS to 16 or 18 if 16+; invincible defense vs. Time Word effects; knows exact time)


  • Immediate Foresight (CONSTANT: AC 3; never surprised)
  • Withering Hour (ON TURN: Commit Effort to invoke magical attack inflicting 1d10 temporal damage to 200 feet)

Other Gifts:

Theurgy and Low Magic


  • Barred Gate of Forbiddence (Cast someone out of a location, SPT to resist)
  • Kiss of the Crane (1d6 per level to arcane connection, EVA for half, find target anywhere)
  • Seal of Regnal Dominion (1 thrall per level, Spirit to resist)
  • The Trumpet of Far Utterance (Communication between arcane link or close people, pass one 10-lb. object)

Low Magic

  • Healing Flame/Fire: Can cast 1 spell/level as a full-round action. Effects: 2d10 fireball with 20'-radius blast, extinguish fires within 50', conjure Cinnabar Conflagration, immunize self to magical fires (but not Fire Word), or lesser effects.
  • Healing Flame/Healing: Can prepare 2 elixirs/level and activate as full-round action. Effects: cure 2d6 physical damage, cure/immunize vs. magical (but not Health Word) diseases, regrow body parts, or lesser effects.


Effort 2

Influence 2

Dominion 0

Wealth 0


Healing Flame robes and paraphernalia, throwing knives, cylinder seal with official "stamp" (not your True Name, don't worry)