Tyto Septimian

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Tyto Septimian

Fate Points: 1

Refresh: 1


Endurance: +3 (Good)

Finesse: +3 (Good)

Psyche: +4 (Great)

Strength: +1 (Average)

Subterfuge: +4 (Great)

Warfare: +2 (Fair)


High Concept: Dark Princess of House Septimian

Born to one of five Great Houses of Nibiru and among the only members of that hallowed club to walk the Stair unaided, Tyto Septimian is the equivalent of royalty among the Great Houses. Born in the lap of luxury and never wanting for anything, she was raised with a deep knowledge of her own superiority. She is a political force in that baroque and powerful world.

  • Invoke to… have some trapping of extreme wealth easily accessible, intimidate or coerce one of lower social standing (in any world), seek council from other personages of power
  • Compel to… find oneself out of place in less rigid social hierarchies, be blindsided by disrespect or, worse, complete apathy, reveal new enemies of your house

Trouble: Haunted by an Ancient Family Curse

There is a darkness locked away beneath the Septimian ancestral manse. Some whisper that it is old Iolithae herself, trapped away by her husband, too dangerous to allow to remain in the world. Others think it is some World-Ending magick, contained in circles of gold and lead, poised to destroy Everything.

Tyto does not know the truth. But she knows that it is there -- and that her dreams are not safe from whatever it might be.

  • Invoke to… experience prophetic or informative dreams, use your knowledge of bindings against lesser evils, call upon a dangerous source of power… for a cost.
  • Compel to… be wracked with restless nightmares, draw dark forces to you, and be taken over, for a time, by something ancient and inhuman and monstrous.

Umbra Mastery: Inheritor of a Great Umbral Power of Falsehood

There are stories. Once, in a young gossamer world, in a land overlooking a sweet sea of delicious water, a woman came and said, “The oceans are salty”, and strangled all things that lived in the sea. Once, in another place where towers rose towards the heavens, a woman came and said, “It is impossible to know if God is listening”, and all men were forever cut off from the divine. Once, on the endless stair, a woman said, “All of this is imagined”, and no one knows what came of that.

Tyto Septimian carries a power within her, passed down from the founding of her line. Once, it was a seed, dormant and quiet, but through diligent work that power has taken deep root, an Umbral Lie that can cause the truth to fray and unravel.

  • Invoke to… make people unsure of truths that once seemed certain, radiate an aura of unease, and use the destructive and corruptive powers of Umbral Mastery.
  • Compel to… corrupt ordinary and mundane lies with dangerous magical effects, become trapped by powers designed to bind the enemies of Creation, become overwhelmed by the sheer reality-warping at your lips.

Sorcery: A Collector of Magicks and Secrets

Tyto Septimian is a witch of artifice, scouring the great Stair for baubles and trinkets and collecting them in her demesne, the Bleak Archive. Many of her treasures are powerless outside of their home realms... many, but not all.

  • Invoke to… have access to some trinket,spell, or device that will make a difference in this situation, identify something unique and wondrous and what its powers might be, know some hidden piece of information.
  • Compel to… be driven by a thirst for wonder, suffer a curse from some magic you only half understand, lose something from your collection..

Personal: It’s Lonely at the Top

Being a bleak noble on the verge of some sort of umbral apotheosis is… it’s hard. Hard for a person. Tyto has had to do things, terrible things. They were necessary, every step of it was necessary, but… her heart, it has come a bit loose in her chest.

She's still a person, you know? And people… well, people need people.

  • Invoke to… build emotional walls between yourselves and others, enter a state of extreme isolation and mental focus, try and make an honest connection to another individual.
  • Compel to… have your attempts at connection end in heartbreak, have responsibilities arise which put your at odds with those you care about, have no one around to help you when you need it most.

Warden of the Grand Stair: Lady of Gossamer

  • This Aspect cannot be Invoked or Compelled.


Sense Falsehood: Because I have Eyes of Night and Falling Stars, I get a +2 when I use Subterfuge to overcome Obstacles regarding untruthfulness... not just seeing through lies, but piercing illusions, breaking through individuals' self-imposed protective emotional barriers, and peering through the veil of gossamer reality to see the one True Thing therein.

Second Skin: Because I can Wear Your Dharma, once per session, I can use a power or ability used by someone else whom I know very well.

The Auctoritas Magister: Because I am Proof Against Lesser Magicks, I get a +2 when using Endurance as a personal defense against arcane power lesser than Eidolon/Umbral Mastery.


Domain: The Bleak Archive

A twisting Escher-staircase of a domain, manned by scroll-robed golems and filled with books and curiosities -- like an other-dimensional museum.

  • +2 to Overcome Obstacles based around knowledge, lore, or mysteries if researched in the Bleak Archive.
  • This Domain is Guarded with Scroll-Clad Golems and a single accessible Door which is Locked - only Tyto possesses a Key to enter.

Artifact: Balthazaar

A magical corgi with eyes of night and falling stars.

  • +2 to Create Advantages when using Balthazaar to do so.
  • Balthazaar can never be lost or killed - if taken away or slain Balthazaar returns to Tyto after 24 hours.