Lieutenant Suvrosa B'nei

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[Campaign Main Page]

  • Refresh: 3
  • Current Fate Points: 3


  • High Concept: Female Orion Rookie Fighter Jockey
  • Trouble: Two Worlds’ Worth of Expectations
    • Suvi is the presumptive heir to her mother - an expert trader, negotiator, and strategic planner, who is still personally badass enough to have sliced the right ear off a DaiMon who offered to buy her during a parley and walked away unscathed. She needs to prove her womanhood to the clan to be respected as her successor, and being a junior officer on a Starfleet ship thousands of lightyears away isn’t going to do much. But Suvi also believes in Starfleet, as a shield standing against would-be oppressors and a light shining into the darkness of the unknown, and she’s not going to abandon it. So she has her sights set - Starship command or bust. While she’s not willing to step over everybody to advance, she has issues with anyone she sees in her way. By socialised habit, it’s worse if they’re men.
    • Invoke: To push through against the possibility of embarassing defeat, to grasp at risk for the promise of glory
    • Compel: To chafe at superiors bossing her around (especially men), to throw underperforming teammates under the bus or berate them, to grasp at risk for the promise of glory
  • Aspect 3: Swashbuckling Pirate Princess
    • Suvi spent most of her formative years in space aboard the various ships of her clan’s pirate fleet, often sneaking onto raiding crews when she was too young (which is traditional for high achievers in her clan). In some ways, she’s always been more her father’s daughter than her mother’s - brash, in the moment, ready to fight for what she wants. And she’s more interested in the trappings of their pirate heritage than even most of her clan’s surviving corsairs. When thrown into high school in Florida, after a rocky start she spun that passion into a resurgent fad of legendary pirate fashion and mannerisms, mixing Orion and Earth elements. While she has to dial it down in Starfleet for obvious reasons, she does tend toward doing everything with flair, seeking and confronting danger, expressing herself broadly, and loyalty to people and principles over rules. It shouldn’t be surprising, then, that of the many famous captains that are subjects of required study at the academy, James Tiberius Kirk is her preferred role model.
    • Invoke - To be ostentatiously badass, to confront or quell an enemy with style, to quip, to work around the rules
    • Compel - To be inappropriately grandiose, to be excessively pugnacious, to get trapped between the rules and her goals, to inflame a situation through disrespect
  • Aspect 4: Not Just for Herself
    • While the rigidity of Starfleet Academy was an issue for her at first, Suvi absolutely knew that she had to return to space, and she believed in Starfleet. Just shy of being old enough to volunteer to fight the Dominion by the war's end (to her chagrin, but her mother's open relief), she tried for the Academy immediately after graduating high school. While only scoring above average on most of the academic portions, she excelled at the physical tests, aced the trials to determine a candidate's ability to learn starship systems (having spent her 'middle school' years on active pirate ships certainly didn't hold her back there), and scored in the top .1% that year on the piloting qualification assessment. She was slotted into the tactical track, specializing in helm operations, and the certainty of that path was never called into question. By her senior year, her flight training squadron and Bathar's were the obvious top 2, and competition to perform at the commencement ceremony - flying the next generation of 'fighter that would be replacing the Peregrine - was fierce. In the final dogfighting competition, Suvi let herself get distracted by a sensor ghost, allowing Bathar's squad the advantage they needed to pull out the win. Suvi was furious with herself for making such a mistake, but she knew for her squad's sake she had to be gracious in defeat and even offered to be the chase pilot while Bathar's squad practiced their maneuvers for the ceremony. She was beyond furious when Bathar admitted that he had used telepathy on her - not technically cheating, but still a dirty trick - yet she demanded that he never tell anyone else, so as not to tarnish his squad or the Academy. That Bathar's victory also let him get to join the final-phase test pilots on the production Raijin models did not improve her mood when she saw him again. She's mostly moved past the incident, but he's the reason why she cross-trains on the bridge tactical systems so much - one day she intends to fly the Kumari better than him.
    • Invoke - When she risks exposing herself to danger or loss to help another, when standing up for her crew, when she needs to set aside ambition for duty
    • Compel - To let necessary risks that might endanger a crewmate slip by, to be dragged into a cover-up
  • Aspect 5: ???


  • +4 Vehicles
  • +3 Provoke(+4), Combat
  • +2 Athletics, Rapport(+4), Notice
  • +1 Deceive (+2), Physique, Will, Stealth


  • Physical O O O
  • Mental O O O


  • Mild [2]: _________________________
  • Moderate [4]: _____________________
  • Severe [6]: _______________________


Orion Body Chemistry

  • Orion Pheromones (Female)
  • +2 to Rapport, +1 to Provoke, +1 to Deceive
  • Functions so long as the opposing character is within scent range and has not taken special precautions such as a sealed rebreather and is not member of a species known for immunity to Orion pheromones, such as Vulcans and Romulans
  • Can be shifted by 1 point instead of skills at each milestone to reflect changing life conditions


  • Hard to Shake - +2 to Vehicles when pursuing another vehicle in a chase
  • Ok, Fine! - Use Provoke to learn aspects by badgering them out of someone instead of Empathy
  • Indomitable - +2 to Will to defend against Provoke attacks based on intimidation or fear