A character in the Rahasia Rules Cyclopedia game.
Name: Rinzen
- ? Elf 2
- XP: 4000
- Backstory: An elf from the forest mountains of Pinata or beyond, she's out to see the world and perhaps make her fortune somehow.
- STR 16 (+2)
- INT 13 (+1)
- WIS 12
- DEX 10
- CON 6 (-1)
- CHA 11
- HP: 5
- AC:
- Movement:
- Treasure-bearing movement:
- Saves:
- Death Ray or Poison 12
- Magic Wands 13
- Paralysation or Petrification 13
- Dragon Breath 15
- Rod, Stave, or Spell: 15
Weapons/Weapon Mastery
Racial Abilities
Infravision Racial languages (elf, gnoll, hobgoblin, orc) Secret Doors (1 or 2 on d6) Immune to Ghoul paralysis