Chalice (AW2E)

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Chalice the Waterbearer

Cool +2
Hard -1
Hot +1
Sharp 0
Weird +1


Lark +2


Step Into the Flow


9mm (2-harm close loud)
Oddments worth 4 barter
Nice suitcoat, patched over the years, no shirt underneath. Suit pants, tattered at the bottom but kept up fairly well. Ocassionally wears it with a pair of suspenders. He's raided some of the old shops along the Magic Mile and likes how they feel against his skin.

The Source--Kimpton Allegro

The lobby of an old hotel, overgrown with vines. Much of the hotel has fallen, though some of it has been made structurally sound. The Source is in the lobby, a large pool of clean drinking water that is filtered in through the muck of the lake water. It's cool and delicious and without taint.

3-5 Features of the Source
Faith and Ritual
A complex and hi-tech filtration system
Refuge & Security
Lush vegetation

My People

Lissa---She's my lover
Gage---He's my brewer
Babylon---She's my guardian

Laws and Penalties

A slave who crosses the threshold is free----Execution
Leave your grudges outside----Exile
Do no violence and no intentional harm----Restitution
Speak the Truth---Public Humliation