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Playbook: Janus Hero Name: Bonespur Real Name: Alejandra "Alex" Ramirez Look: woman, Latina, boring clothing, iconic costume, full disguise Abilities: Heightened physical abilities, bone generation, impossibile mobility

Team Moves: When you share a triumphant celebration with someone, ask them if they see you as the person wearing the mask or the person underneath. If the former, mark potential and clear a condition. If the latter, take Influence over them if you reveal yourself

When you share a vulnerability or weakness with someone, tell them a secret about who you really are. Give them influence, and shift your Mundane up and your mask's Label down.

Labels: Danger +1 Freak -1 Savior 0 Superior 0 Mundane +3

Playbook Moves: The Mask: You wear a mask and hide your real identity. Once per session you can affirm either your heroic or secret identity to switch your Mundane with your mask's Label (Danger). When you reveal your secret identity to someone who didn't know it already, mark potential.

Game Face: When you commit yourself to save someone or defeat a terrible enemy, mark a condition and take +1 ongoing to all rolls in direct pursuit of that goal. At the end of any scene in which you don't make progress towards that goal, mark a condition. When you fufill your goal, mark potential.

Mild-mannered: When you try to use your civilian identity to deceive, trick, or slip past someone, roll +Mundane. On a hit they buy your facade. On a 7-9, choose one: -you're still under observation -you leave something incriminating behind -you're forced to make a fool of yourself to sell it On a miss, one of your civilian obligations rears its ugly head.

Secret Identity: School: Athletic team Home: Household chores Social: Popularity

Backstory: -When did you first put on the mask? Why? My first... um, job, I guess, was some vandals at school. They busted up the trophy case, vandalized the pool while having some kind of pizza party slash kegger thing and I wanted to put the fear of God into them. Some of those trophies were mine, you know? My team and I worked hard for them. Like I could've just busted in there in, I dunno, a t-shirt and shorts or something but that didn't have the, whatchacallit, gravitas or something to it. These things require costumes. Anyway, so I took an old costume I made up for a Dias de las Muertos party and I went to last year and I've got the whole bone thing going on so... you know.

-Why do you keep a secret identity? Oh my gosh, is that even a question? I have a big family. Yeah, large Mexican-American family, you've never heard that before but I have one. Also I have a bunch of friends from the team and just, like, in general. When I do my thing, it's like every other person I take down screams how they'll kill me or whatever. It's like a YouTube comments section out there. Even if they're just, I dunno, mad or whatever I'm not gonna take that risk. Gotta keep them safe. Also my dad would go all the way out of his entire mind if he found out.

-Who, outside of the team, knows about your dual identity? My younger sister Maya. We share a room. I mean, how could she not? She's two years younger than me, and is hitting that 'too cool to care about anything' phase so as long as I keep my side of the room clean and do my part of the chores and cover for her, she doesn't hold it over my head. Much.

-Who thinks the worst of your masked identity? Well, there's this girl at school - Reiko - who does this whole YouTube thing on superheroes? It's kind of really popular and stuff and she does... I dunno, if you wanna call it 'investigative journalism' but she'll livestream fights if she can make it out there and report on, like, our maybe social lives and everything and she might have ome out to see one of my fights and I maybe... uh... broke her camera? When she got a new one, Bonespur was the part of a long-running focus series. Like, not to brag, but I'm pretty popular as just Alex. Bonespur, thanks to Reiko, so not so much on the social media. Ay.

-Why do you care about the team? Duh! They're awesome. You can do a lot more with people than without, you know? Especially when they all have cool powers and fancy gadgets and stuff. Plus they don't judge me. I don't think they do. Maybe they do? I mean, they have some seriously rad stuff going on while I grow my bones and can lift a car, and my best piece of tech is last year's iPhone... no, no, I'm being dumb again. They're cool. We're cool. All good. I think.

When our team first came together... We saved the life of someone important, either to the city or to us. Who was it? Why are they important?

Relationships: - knew your civilian life first. You refused to tell - your secret identity when they asked.

Influence: You look up to your teammates; they seem to have this superhero thing figured out. Give two of them Influence over you.