WoA KhokhYilan
Khokh Yilan, Old Blue Dragon
AC 9 HP 54 (14 HD) Claw/Claw/Bite, hits on 0+ for 2d4/2d4/3d10
- Petrification and Paralysis 6+
- Poison and Death 5+
- Blast and Breath 7+
- Staff and Wand 7+
- Spells 8+
Special Abilities
- Fear Aura, when Khokh Yilan flies overhead or charges all < 1HD creatures flee in panic for 4d6 turns, 1-3 HD save vs paralysis or are paralyzed, 3+ HD save vs paralysis or -1 to attacks
- Breath Weapon (100' x 5' line of lightning), 14d6, 3/day
- Spellcasting
- 1st (3/day) Charm Person, Sleep, Floating Disc, Light
- 2nd (3/day) Invisibility, Knock, ESP
- 3rd (2/day) Lightning Bolt, Dispel Magic, Protection from Normal Missiles
- 4th (1/day) Charm Monster, Polymorph Self