All Things Monetary
- New Pavis Page: New Pavis
- Main Page; The Prax Adventure
These represent standard purchasing prices for goods and services. Selling will be at much lower rates.
Animals and Transportation[edit]
Animal | Riding | Cavalry | War | Meat | Notes |
Bison | 38L | 76L | 190L | 25L | |
Bolo Lizard | 290 | 590 | 1875 | 168 | |
Herd Man | 15L | na | 45L | 6L | Not sold inside city. |
High Llama | 53L | 106L | 285L | 35L | |
Horse | 71L | 142L | 355L | 43L | |
Impala | 10L | 20L | 50L | 6L | |
Rhino | 648L | 1271L | 3240L | 327L | Rarely available. |
Sable Antelope | 36L | 72L | 180L | 18L | |
Zebra | 85L | 170L | 426L | 50L |
Other Animals | Cost |
Bull | 50L |
Calf | xxL |
Steer | 35L |
Cow | 20L |
Chicken | 1C |
Duck | 1C |
Goose | 3C |
Hawk | 35L |
Mule | 35L |
Pig (yearling) | 5L |
Other | Cost | Notes |
Saddle | 1 - 15L | Depends on steed. |
Tack | 1 - 5L | Depends on steed. |
Small Cart | 22L | 2-wheeled pulled by human or small animal |
Cart | 45L | 2-wheeled pulled by single animal |
Freight Wagon | 100L | 4-wheeled pulled by team of two animals |
Palanquin | 2000L | Carried by 4+ slaves/herdmen |
Reed Boat | 18L | Carries three humans. |
River Boat | 120L | Carries ten humans. Built of wood. Small sail. |
River Barge | 80 | Goods transportation, usually with poling. |
Armor | Cost | AP | ENC | Locations | Notes |
Bronze Cuirass | 250L | 8 | 5.0 | chest | Standard for Marble Phalanx and Yelmalion Templars |
Bronze Greaves | 100L | 8 | 10.0 | legs | Standard for Marble Phalanx and Yelmalion Templars |
Bronze Vambraces | 50L | 8 | 5.0 | arms | Rarely worn or limited to a single arm. |
Bronze Tassets | 50L | 8 | 2.5 | abdomen | Attaches to cuirass. Common but not universal. |
Scale Hauberk | 150L | 7 | 12.0 | torso and arms | Standard for heavy armed Pavisites |
Mail Hauberk | 300L | 7 | 10.0 | torso and arms | Orlanthi warriors |
Leather Lamellar Cuirass | 6L | 3 | 1.5 | torso | Boiled strips of leather stitched together |
Leather Vambraces | 2L | 3 | 1.0 | arms | Boiled leather reinforced for protection |
Leather Greaves | 6L | 3 | 2.0 | legs | Boiled leather reinforced for protection |
Linothorax Cuirass | 30L | 5 | 5.0 | torso and arms | Layers of linen reinforced with bronze strips |
Conical Helm | 25L | 6 | 1.0 | head | simple bronze helm that covers top and sides of the head |
Open Helm | 50L | 7 | 2.0 | head | conical helm with cheek pieces to guard the face |
Full Helm | 60L | 8 | 2.5 | head | extended cheek pieces to protect neck and mouth |
Weapon | Cost | Damage | ENC | AP | SR | Notes |
One-handed Axe | 20L | 1d8+2 | 1.0 | 8 | 2 | traditional Pavic semi-circular bronze axe |
Two-handed Axe | 30L | 2d6+2 | 2.0 | 10 | 1 | |
Broad Sword | 50L | 1d8+1 | 1.5 | 10 | 2 | Orlanthi warrior's weapon. |
Scimitar | 50L | 1d8+1 | 1.5 | 10 | 2 | Lunar primary weapon. |
Short Sword | 25L | 1d6+1 | 1.0 | 10 | 2 | |
Dagger | 15L | 1d4+1 | 0.5 | 6 | 3 | Largest weapon legal to carry on streets of Pavis. |
Spear | 20L | 1d8+1 | 2.0 | 10 | 2 | 6-10' long spear with a long, reinforced bronze head |
Javelin | 15L | 1d8 | 1.5 | 8 | 2 | Damage is 1d6+1 in melee. Effective range 20 yards with a maximum range of 50 yards. |
Self Bow | 10L | 1d6+1 | 0.5 | 5 | - | Effective to 90 yards with maximum range 120 yards. |
Praxian (composite) Bow | 40L | 1d8+1 | 0.5 | 6 | - | Effective to 120 yards with maximum range at 225 yards. |
Sling | 10C | 1d8 | 0.1 | - | - | Effective range 100 yards with maximum range 100 yards. |
Target Shield | 15L | 1D6 | 3.0 | 12 | 3 | 2 hit locations. Standard for Orlanthi and Praxians; wicker and hide. |
Pavic Shield | 25L | 1D6 | 5.0 | 16 | 3 | 3 hit locations. Standard Pavic pavis. Light wood and hide. |
Hoplon | 45L | 1D6 | 7.0 | 18 | 3 | 3 hit locations. Standard for Templars, Phalangites and Silver Shields. Wood and hide with bronze face. |
Pavis Price Lists[edit]
Item | Poor | Cheap | Common | Superior | Rich | Noble | Royal |
Man's Leggings | 4C | 2L | 3L | 7L | 17L | 25L | 40L |
Man's Undertunic | 4C | 2L | 3L | 8L | 25L | 35L | 40L |
Man's Tunic | 6C | 3L | 8L | 15L | 40L | 85L | 165L |
Man's Cloak | 1L | 7L | 15L | 40L | 125L | 165L | 250L |
Woman's Undertunic | 4C | 2L | 3L | 8L | 17L | 35L | 60L |
Woman's Underskirt | 4C | 2L | 3L | 15L | 25L | 40L | 85L |
Woman's Tunic | 6C | 3L | 8L | 35L | 65L | 125L | 200L |
Woman's Cloak | 1L | 7L | 15L | 65L | 125L | 200L | 290L |
Sandals | 4C | 2L | 3L | 6L | 13L | 35L | 80L |
Slippers | - | - | 30L | 40L | 50L | 80L | 165L |
Work Boots | 30L | 45L | 60L | - | - | - | - |
Riding Boots | - | - | 75L | 145L | 220L | 290L | 365L |
Infantry Boots | 45L | 60L | 75L | - | - | - | - |
Belt/Girdle | 4C | 2L | 3L | 8L | 25L | 60L | 125L |
Camping Equipment | Cost | Enc | Notes |
Backpack, 10 Enc | 6L | 2.0 | Backpacks Note: |
Backpack, 20 Enc | 15L | 2.5 | Total ENC = Backpack ENC + (Contents ENC/3) |
Backpack, 30 Enc | 30L | 3.6 | |
Canvas Backpack | 150% | 50% | |
Blanket, Lightweight | 13L | 1.0 | |
Blanket, Heavyweight | 26L | 2.0 | |
Sleeping Furs | 65L | 4.5 | |
Woollen Sheet | 50L | 0.5 | |
Linen Sheet | 150L | 0.5 | |
Bucket, Canvas, 20 litre | 4L | 1.5 | Rolls or folds well |
Bucket, Leather, 20 litre | 6L | 1.5 | Partially collapsible |
Camp Bed, Cloth | 12L | 7.0 | |
Straw Paliasse | 1L | 1.0 | |
Sleeping Straw (weekly) | 3C | 2.0 | |
Portable Wooden Bed | 120L | 18.0 | |
Canteen, 0.5 litre | 2L | 0.5 | filled |
Canteen, 1.0 litre | 4L | 1.0 | filled |
Canteen, 2.0 litre | 6L | 2.0 | filled |
Waterskin, 4.0 litre | 6L | 4.5 | filled |
Waterskin, 20.0 litre | 12L | 23.0 | filled |
Fishing Hook and Line | 1L | Negligible | |
Fishing Net, Large | 30L | 2.0 | |
Fishing Net, Small | 6L | 0.5 | |
Hammock, Canvas | 20L | 1.0 | |
Lamp Oil, 1 litre | 2L | 1.0 | |
Oil Lamp | 4L | 0.5 | |
Oil Lantern | 15L | 1.5 | |
Torch | 5C | 0.5 | |
Sack, 5 Enc | 2C | 0.5 | Sacks Note: |
Sack, 10 Enc | 4C | 0.8 | Total ENC = Sack ENC + (Contents ENC/2) |
Sack, 20 Enc | 6C | 1.0 | |
Canvas Sack | 150% | 50% | |
Tent, Canvas, 2-Man | 20L | 14.0 | |
Tent, Canvas, 4-Man | 40L | 27.0 | |
Tent, Canvas, 8-Man | 75L | 40.0 | |
Leather Tent | 50% | 150% | Much Stronger |
Containers | Cost | Enc |
50 litre Cask, Wooden | 15L | 4.5 |
100 litre Cask, Wooden | 25L | 11.0 |
200 litre Cask, Wooden | 40L | 23.0 |
0.5 litre Pottery Jar | 1L | 0.5 |
2 litre Pottery Jar | 4L | 1.0 |
4 litre Pottery Jar | 6L | 2.0 |
20 litre Pottery Crock | 17L | 9.0 |
50 litre Wine Amphora | 40L | 16.0 |
0.5 litre Glass Jar | 40L | 0.5 |
1 litre Glass Jar | 65L | 0.5 |
2 litre Glass Jar | 90L | 1.0 |
4 litre Glass Jar | 150L | 2.0 |
25ml Glass Vial | 30L | 0.1 |
125ml Glass Vial | 70L | 0.2 |
25ml Tin Vial | 12L | 0.1 |
125ml Tin Vial | 30L | 0.2 |
Silver Vials | 500% | |
25ml Pottery Vial | 1L | 0.1 |
125ml Pottery Vial | 5L | 0.2 |
Porcelain Vials | 500% | |
20 litre Wooden Bucket | 1L | 1.0 |
20 litre Metal Bucket | 12L | 1.0 |
Le Chef Equipment | Cost | Enc | Notes |
1 litre Pan | 7L | 1.0 | |
2 litre Pan | 11L | 1.5 | |
5 litre Pot | 20L | 11.0 | |
25 litre Kettle | 110L | 11.0 | |
50 litre Cauldron | 240L | 23.0 | |
100 litre Cauldron | 600L | 55.0 | |
200 litre Cauldron | 1200L | 110.0 | |
Wooden Spoon | 5C | 0.1 | Charged double if broken at an Inn |
Bronze Knife or Spoon | 4L | 0.1 | Charged double if broken at an Inn |
Silver Knife or Spoon | 4L | 0.1 | |
Silver Knife or Spoon | 25L | 0.1 | |
Gold Knife or Spoon | 350L | 0.1 | |
Bronze Fork | 5L | 0.1 | Charged double if broken at an Inn |
Silver Fork | 35L | 0.1 | |
Gold Fork | 420L | 0.1 | |
Wooden Ladle | 7C | 0.1 | Charged double if broken at an Inn |
Bronze Ladle | 5L | 0.1 | |
Silver Ladle | 35L | 0.1 | |
Gold Ladle | 720L | 0.1 | |
Wooden Platter or Bowl | 6C | 0.1 | Charged double if broken at an Inn |
Bronze Platter or Bowl | 12L | 0.1 | |
Enamelled Platter/Bow | 12L | 0.1 | |
Silver Platter or Bowl | 90L | 0.2 | |
Gold Platter or Bowl | 1800L | 0.2 | |
Wooden Mug | 6C | 0.1 | Charged double if broken at an Inn |
Earthenware Mug | 6C | 0.1 | Charged double if broken at an Inn |
Bronze Mug | 17L | 0.1 | Charged double if broken at an Inn |
Porcelain Cup | 30L | 0.1 | |
Gold Goblet | 1200C | 0.1 | |
Porcelain Goblet | 60L | 0.1 | |
Bronze Salt Cellar | 90L | 0.5 | |
Silver Salt Cellar | 210L | 0.5 | |
Gold Salt Cellar | 4200L | 0.5 | |
Drinking Horn | 12L | 0.1 | Charged double if broken at an Inn |
Drinking Horn, Silvered | 50L | 0.1 | |
Silver Alloy | 50% | 50% Silver cost | |
Gold Alloy | 30% | 30% Gold cost |
Household Goods | Cost | Enc | Notes |
Rushlight | 1C | 0.1 | 1 hour x 3 |
Candle, Tallow | 2C | 0.1 | 1 hour |
Candle, Wax | 4C | 0.1 | 1 hour |
Candelabra, Wood | 1L | 0.2 | 3 spikes |
Candelabra, Bronze | 12L | 0.5 | 3 spikes |
Candelabra, Silverplate | 120L | 0.5 | 3 spikes |
Candelabra, Silver | 270L | 0.5 | 3 spikes |
Additional Candle Spikes | +30% each | +0.2 each | |
Wooden Stool | 2L | 2.0 | |
Wooden Chair | 4L | 4.5 | |
Wooden Bench (2-man) | 4L | 7.0 | |
Wooden Bench (4-man) | 6L | 14.0 | |
Wooden Table | 12L | 23.0 | |
Good Bed | 60L | 45.0 | |
Fine Bed | 240L | 70.0 | |
Seat Cushion | 9L | 0.5 | |
Fine Seat Cushion | 30L | 0.5 | |
Small Metal Mirror | 25L | 0.5 | |
Large Metal Mirror | 105L | 0.5 | |
Soap, Plain | 6L | 0.1 | |
Soap, Perfumed | 25L | 0.1 | |
Brazier, Small Bronze | 17L | 1.0 | |
Brazier, Tripod Bronze | 180L | 9.0 | |
Charcoal (40 hours) | 1L | 4.5 | |
Bed Hangings | 60L | 4.5 | |
Fine Bed Hangings | 240L | 9.1 |
Tools | Cost | Enc | Notes |
Adze | 25L | 1.0 | |
Auger | 25L | 1.0 | |
Auger Bits (5) | 25L | 0.5 | |
Hatchet | 10L | 1.0 | |
Wood Axe | 15L | 2.0 | |
Chisel, Masonry | 13L | 0.5 | |
Chisel, Wood | 9L | 0.5 | |
Rock Drill | 17L | 2.5 | |
Crowbar | 4L | 2.0 | |
Crowbar, Heavy | 8L | 4.5 | |
Hammer, Claw | 10L | 1.0 | |
Wooden Mallet | 7C | 1.0 | |
Grappling Hook | 9L | 0.5 | |
Rope Ladder | 11L | 2.0 | Per 3 metre length |
Ladder | 20L | 11.0 | Per 3 metre length |
Spikes (10) | 17L | 0.5 | |
Nails (100) | 25L | 0.5 | |
Wedges (3) | 5L | 0.5 | |
Glue, 1 litre | 1L | 0.5 | |
Paint, 4 litre | 13L | 4.5 | |
Padlock | 50L | 0.5 | |
Pick Axe | 45L | 2.5 | |
Pitchfork | 20L | 2.0 | |
Plough Blade | 65L | 11.0 | |
Pole, 2m | 2L | 1.5 | |
Pulley, 1.5:1 (50 ENC) | 10L | 1.5 | |
Pulley, 2:1 (50 ENC) | 20L | 2.0 | |
Pulley, 3:1 (50 ENC) | 45L | 2.0 | |
Pulley, 4:1 (50 ENC) | 65C | 2.5 | |
Pulley, 5:1 (50 ENC) | 110L | 3.0 | |
Per additional 50 ENC lift | +110% | x2 | |
Chain/meter | 55L | 2.5 | |
Heavy Chain/meter | 155L | 70.0 | |
Rope, per 10m | 2L | 1.0 | |
Scythe | 10L | 1.5 | |
Shovel | 20L | 2.0 | |
Sickle | 13L | 0.5 | |
Light Anvil | 65L | 7.0 | |
Medium Anvil | 110L | 40.0 | |
Standard Anvil | 22.0L | 60.0 | |
Small Bellows | 30L | 2.0 | |
Large Bellows | 65L | 11.0 | |
Cold Chisel | 13L | 1.0 | |
Portable Forge | 220L | 45.0 | |
Forge | 660L | 450.0 | |
Smith's Hammer | 13L | 1.5 | |
Small Tongs | 9L | 1.0 | |
Large Tongs | 17L | 2.5 | |
String, 25m | 6C | 0.2 | |
Waxed 25m Cord | 9L | 1.0 | |
Hourglass | 310L | 1.5 | Not a standard measurement of time |
Ornate Sundial | 440L | 45.0 | Not a standard measurement of time |
Pocket Sundial | 45L | 0.1 | Not a standard measurement of time |
Sundial | 175L | 23.0 | Not a standard measurement of time |
Water Clock | 660L | 23.0 | Not a standard measurement of time |
Minuteglass | 65L | 0.1 | Not a standard measurement of time |
Whetstone | 2L | 0.5 | |
Wire, 25cm | 15L | 0.5 | |
Wood Saw | 20L | 1.5 | |
Level | 20L | 1.0 | |
Square | 4L | 1.0 |
Writing Materials | Cost | Enc |
90cm x 100cm Paper | 3C | 0.1 |
90cm x 100cm Parchment | 6C | 0.1 |
90cm x 100cm Vellum | 1L | 0.1 |
Writing Tablet, Slate | 2L | 0.5 |
Quill Pen, Average | 2C | Negligible |
Quill Pen, Good | 3C | Negligible |
Brush (writing) | 7C | 0.1 |
Chalk, Stick | 1C | 0.1 |
Ink lamp; Pot | 7C | 0.1 |
Portable Desk | 9L | 4.5 |
Large Desk | 45L | 45.0 |
Seal | 20L | 0.1 |
Seal, Silver | 90L | 0.1 |
Seal, Gold | 660L | 0.1 |
Sealing Wax | 4L | 0.1 |
Sealing Ribbon | 4L | 0.1 |
Food and Drink[edit]
Beverages | Serving | Cask |
Fresh Cider | 1C | 25L |
Fermented Cider | 2C | 40L |
Sour Wine | 1C | 16L |
Poor Wine | 2C | 30L |
Average Wine | 4C | 85L |
Good Wine | 6C | 140L |
Fine Wine | 2L | 270L |
Vintage Wine | 4L | 390L |
Mead | 3C | 155L |
Piss Beer | 1C | 30L |
Small Beer | 3C | 55L |
Beer | 4C | 80L |
Double Beer | 4C | 95L |
Stout | 8C | 140L |
Bitters | 3C | 55L |
Brandy | 4L | 390L |
Brandy, Fine | 8L | 780L |
Home Away From Home | Cost |
Cheap Stew and Bread | 2C |
Good Stew and bread | 6C |
Good Meal | 2L |
Banquet | 4L |
Common Room | 7C |
Average Room | 4L |
Good Room | 15L |
Stable | 6C |
Grain/Feed | 2L |
Bread | Cost | Enc |
White Loaf | 3C | 0.5 |
White Loaf | 1L | 1.5 |
Brown Loaf | 1C | 0.5 |
Brown Loaf | 3C | 1.5 |
Rye Loaf | 1C | 0.5 |
Rye Loaf | 2C | 1.5 |
Meat | Cost | Enc |
Antelope Steak | 3C | 0.5 |
Other Antelope | 2C | 0.5 |
'Pork' Loin | 2C | 0.5 |
Other 'Pork' | 2C | 0.5 |
'Ham' | 3C | 0.5 |
'Bacon' | 2C | 0.5 |
Mutton | 1C | 0.5 |
Lamb | 5C | 0.5 |
Fish | 1C | 0.5 |
Chicken | 1C | 0.5 |
Goose | 2C | 0.5 |
Game Birds | 2C | 0.5 |
Tusker | 1L | 0.5 |
Dairy | Cost | Enc |
Dozen Eggs | 3C | 0.5 |
Poor Cheese | 1C | 0.5 |
Good Cheese | 3C | 0.5 |
Fine Cheese | 1L | 0.5 |
Curds and Whey | 1C | 0.5 |
Litre Milk | 1C | 0.5 |
Litre Cream | 8L | 0.5 |
Unsalted Butter | 2L | 0.5 |
Salted Butter | 5C | 0.5 |
fruit and Vegetables | Cost | Enc |
Apples | 2C | 0.5 |
Cherries | 3C | 0.5 |
Pears | 2C | 0.5 |
Plums | 1C | 0.5 |
Grapes | 2C | 0.5 |
Figs | 1L | 0.5 |
Dates | 3C | 0.5 |
Fresh Beans | 1C | 0.5 |
Fresh Peas | 1C | 0.5 |
Cabbage | 1C | 0.5 |
Beetroot* | 1C | 0.5 |
Carrots* | 1C | 0.5 |
Cucumbers | 3C | 0.5 |
Garlic* | 2C | 0.5 |
Onions* | 1C | 0.5 |
Turnips* | 1C | 0.5 |
- These fruits and vegetables available year round, double cost in Storm Season, Sacred Time, and the first two weeks of Sea Season.
Preserved Foods | Cost | Enc |
Dried Fruit | 150% | - |
Candied Fruit | 200% | - |
Dried Beans | 1C | 0.5 |
Dried Lentils | 1C | 0.5 |
Dried Peas | 1C | 0.5 |
Sauerkraut | 1C | 0.5 |
Salt Mockpork | 3C | 0.5 |
Salt Antelope | 3C | 0.5 |
Salt Fish | 2C | 0.5 |
Smoked Sausages | 6C | 0.5 |
Dried Fish | 2C | 0.5 |
- Quality of Lodging:
- Bad
- Common room, benches / tables / floor for sleeping, no heat, no sanitary facilities, virulent vermin, filthy.
- Poor
- Common room, straw mats, benches / tables / floor for sleeping, fireplace (extra charge for fire), no sanitary facilities, lesser vermin.
- Average
- Common room and a dormitory room, fireplace in common room, rope cots and straw mattresses in dormitory room, outhouse, incidental vermin.
- Good
- Common room, dormitory room and 1 to 2 private rooms, fireplaces, stuffed cloth mattresses, outhouse, incidental vermin.
- Better
- Common room and separate small dining / sleeping rooms, down or cloth mattresses and blankets available, outhouse and chamber pots, attendant summonable, free of vermin and very clean.
- Superb
- Dining hall, separate individual parlours and night-chambers, down mattresses, satin sheets, down comforters, fireplaces and warming pans, outhouses and chamber pots, glass windows, attendants on call
- Bad
Food / Lodging | Bad | Poor | Average | Good | Better | Superb |
Food & Lodging, Nightly | 0.5C | 1-2L | 2-4L | 4-6L | 5-7L | 25L+ |
Food & Lodging, Weekly | 2-3L | 5-10L | 10-20L | 20-36L | 24-45L | 8W+ |
Lodging, Nightly | 0.25C | 0.5-1L | 2-3L | 3-4L | 4-5L | 15L+ |
Lodging, Weekly | 1-2L | 3-8L | 11-15L | 15-20L | 15-25L | 90L+ |
Evening Meal | 0.5C | 1C | 1L | 2L | 4L | 10L+ |
Stabling Cost | 1L | 2L | 3L | 6L | 8L | 10L |
Fodder and Water, Quantity | None | Limited | Sufficient | Sufficient | Plentiful | Plentiful |
Fodder and Water, Quality | N/A | Poor | Average | Average | Good | Excellent |
Animal Combed? | No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Hooves Cleaned? | No | No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Minor healing? | No | No | No | No | Yes | Yes |
Tack Cleaning? | No | No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Tack Repaired? | No | No | No | No | No | Yes |
Mercenaries and Hired Help[edit]
2 L per day for an average mercenary. They typically come in a group no larger than half-a-dozen. Their pay doubles if combat occurs. They are hired through cult connections (Pavis, Humakt, Orlanth, Urox, etc.)
A Humakti initiate is a flat 5 L a day. Only one or two at a time.
- New Pavis Page: New Pavis
- Main Page; The Prax Adventure