Aristophel - Tharzidun Loot

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Pyromancers Gauntlets - Merrill

Wand of Fear

Wand of Frost

Wand of Lightning

Leather +2

Short Sword of life stealing+1

Short Sword +5 defender

Longsword +3,

Ring of Spell Storing (Clerical) Heal, Cure (6pts), Neutralize poison

From Forsaken Commanders: Plate +2; Sword +2 (x2)

The Infernal Fragments of Meirosis

(10% cumulative of burning up 30%) This ancient compendium is written upon linen pages and bound in steel plates. An individual who reads this tome, which requires 48 hours over a minimum of 6 days, gains the spell-like ability to use Shield once per day.

The Grimoire of Middo (10% cumulative of burning up 10%)

This folio of parchments is bound by leather cords. An individual who reads this tome, which requires 48 hours over a minimum of 6 days, gains the ability to speak Fae.

Scroll - teleport, passwall

Spell Scroll (Mage): Stoneskin, Dispel Magic, Fumble, Distance Distortion, Shield, Darkness 15' Radius

Spell Scroll (Mage): Enchanted Weapon, Dispel Illusion, Phantasmal Force, Knock, Airy Water, Fire Charm

Spell Scroll (Mage): Conjure Elemental, Anti-Magic Shell, Wind Wall

Spell Scroll (Mage): Flaming Sphere, Wall of Ice, Message, Plant Growth, Flaming Sphere, Explosive Runes, Tasha's Uncontrollable Hideous Laughter, Leomund's Trap, Gust of Wind