In the Grim Darkness of the 41st Millennium/Gregor

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Gregor of Domicile Block Beta

Gregor is on the tallish side for a Forge Worlder, reaching somewhere around 1.85 meters in height and if one managed to see him outside his Mechanicus robes, he'd be fairly gaunt. His face and head are outwardly unmodded in an effort to put his patients at ease. Gregor has dark brown hair, grey eyes and is always accompanied by the faint smell of harsh chemical sterilizers.

The Forge World of Weathertop, located well off the beaten path of the star ways, was something of an experiment by the Adeptus Mechanicus. In addition to the sprawling factories, the planet houses enough food production to be entirely self-sufficient as well as several data archives hidden away in vaults deep in the planet's crust. Additionally there are vast warehouses storing nothing but material to fuel the Forge World's insatiable appetite, enough for production to be maintained for centuries. In fact, when a small warpstorm cut them off from the rest of the Imperium for a century or so they only noticed due to the lack of non-native raw materials being delivered. Weathertop was conceived of as a bunker and time capsule, someplace for the Adeptus Mechanicus to retreat to in case the sector suffered some sort of catastrophe. A place from which the Mechanicus could launch forth from, once things had settled, to reestablish the glories of the Omnissiah.

Gregor was born on this world, one that viewed its inhabitants as organic cogs for preserving the legacy of the Omnissiah. His intelligence was noted early on, and his aptitude in the art of organic maintenance was channeled into appropriate paths to flourish. Unfortunately, Gregor's ego grew in pace with his medical skills, making him something of a pain for even the Mechanicus to interact with. Thus, he ended up being posted (or as he prefers to think of it exiled) as the healer for Domicile Block Beta, tasked with keeping the workers under his charge healthy and fit to labor in the factories.

When the Inquisition put out a discreet inquiry if Weathertop could spare some manpower to assist them, Gregor had already exposed his superiors to his particular brand of charm enough that he was one of the first volunteered for off-world service. Purely in a gesture of political cooperation, of course. The Mechanicus of Weathertop only wanted the Inquisition to have one of their brightest, after all.

Home World: Forge World (Gain Weapon-Tech Talent)

Background: Adeptus Mechanicus (Availability of all cybernetics are two levels more available)

Role: Chirurgeon (When failing a test to provide First Aid, Gregor can spend a Fate Point to automatically succeed with DoS equal to Int bonus)

Divination: Only in death does duty end. (The first time this character would suffer Fatigue each session, he suffers that amount of Fatigue minus 1 (to a minimum of 0) instead)

Wounds: 13/13

Fatigue: 0

Fate Points: 4/4

Insanity: 1

Corruption: 4

Experience Points: 0


Weapon Skill 40

Ballistic Skill 25

Strength 35

Toughness 30

Agility 30

Intelligence 40

Perception 35

Willpower 30

Fellowship 20

Influence 30








Weapon Skill



Common Lore (Adeptus Mechanicus)




Medicae +10

Traits and Talents

Mechadendrite Use (Utility)

Superior Chirurgeon

Take Down


Weapon Training (Chain, Solid Projectile)


Optical Mechadendrite

  • +10 bonus to all vision-based Perception tests
  • Ignore penalties due to darkness within 40m

Medical Mechadendrite

  • +10 bonus to Medicae and Interrogation tests
  • Staunch Blood Loss as a Half Action
  • Once per round, Half Action or Reaction to make a Standard Attack (Melee, Balanced, 1d5 R, Pen 0)

Luminen Capacitor

Gear and Equipment

Weathertop-pattern Auto Rifle (Autogun)

  • Basic, 100m, S/3/10, 1d10+3 I, Pen 0, Clip 30, Rld Full Action
  • 2 clips of ammo


  • Melee, 1d10+2 R, Pen 2
  • Balanced (+10 to WS when Parrying)
  • Tearing (Roll 1 extra die for damage, discard the lowest)

Imperial Robes

  • Arms, Body, Legs
  • AP 1

Sacred Unguents

  • If applied to a weapon, weapon becomes immune to Jamming for a number of shots equal to clip size
  • 2 vials

Experience Point Log

Medicae + 10 - 300

Superior Chirurgeon - 400

Weapon Training (Chain) - 300