50 Fathoms: Hungers as Strong as the Winds and Tides

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The world of Caribdus is drowned, once-mighty empires and prosperous lands lying beneath endless fathoms of dark water. The curse of the Sea Hags, three undead sorceresses risen from their death by drowning to avenge themselves on the world that saw them executed for their dark deeds, has wreaked incalculable havoc - and even now continues to do so, as ghostly pirate ships and aquatic monstrosities emerge out of the Flotsam Sea to torment the survivors clustered on the few remaining islands of dry land.

But calamity brings opportunity, and unprecedented freedom for men and women of courage and guile to make their way in the new world. Burly, grey-skinned Grael ply the new seas alongside the diverse, idiosyncratic Masaquani, seeking riches from trade or whaling or piracy. Gruff, thick-shelled Scurillians apply their sharp minds to understanding the new world and to save what can be saved of the old. Mysterious Kraken elementalists wander the ports and the distant islands, some say in search of a way to avenge their race's suffering at the hands of the Sea Hags. And sailors arriving through mysterious means from a place they call Earth bring their savvy, ambition and strange religions to bear.

Riches and glory awaits for those with the quickest minds... and the sharpest cutlasses.

Hungers as Strong as the Winds and Tides is a 50 Fathoms campaign GMed by Baeraad.



The Lockjaw

Type: Hoy

Crew: 8 common sailors (1/34 shares each)

Cargo: 360 rations

Captain: Lyra Luche (10/34 shares)

First Mate: Talimos (5/34 shares)

Other senior crew: Arlen, Kraven (3/34 shares each)

Ship bank: $1240 (5/34 shares)

Ship weaponslocker: 8 flintlock pistols, 8 cutlasses, 200 shots and powder