Estella, Stalks-the-False-Wolf
Main Page W20 - A New Hope
- Name: Estella Stalks-the-False-Wolf
- Concept: Stealthy Scout
- Breed: Lupus
- Auspice: Ragabash
- Tribe: Silent Striders
- Str/Dex/Sta 2/4/3
- Cha/Man/App 3/2/2
- Per/Int/Wit 4/3/4
- Alertness 4
- Athletics 4
- Brawl 3
- Empathy 2
- Intimidation 2
- Primal-Urge 4
- Subterfuge 1
- Animal-Ken 1
- Etiquette 1
- Larceny 2
- Stealth 4
- Survival 4
- Enigmas 3
- Investigation 4
- Law 1
- Medicine 2
- Occult 2
- Rituals 1
- Totem ***
- Fate **
- Rites (Rite of Talisman Dedication) *
- Pure Breed (Breeding) *
- Fetish (Nyx's Bangle) *
- Fetish (Magpie's Swag) *
- Rank 1
- Heightened Senses
- Sense Prey
- Prey Mind
- Scent of Running Water
- Sense Wyrm
- Heavens Guidance
- Rank 2
- Eye of the Eagle
- Blissful Ignorance
- Messenger's Fortitude
- Speech of the World
- Rank 3
- Catfeet
- Pathfinder
Spiritual Attributes[edit]
- Rage 2
- Gnosis 6
- Willpower 4
- Glory 4
- Honor 4
- Wisdom 5