Ofeig Sigurdsson
Ofeig Sigurdsson (Caias Ward)[edit]
- Expert 2
- XP: 1500/3000
- Background: Noble
- Training: Signal Officer
- Bio: Ofeig would have been a footnote in his family line except for his terrible tenacity. Part of a petty squabble, he was targeted for an assassination at a young age. Defying the odds, he survived the attempt despite his terrible injury to a muscle degenerating poison which requires braces outside his suit mech. He's taken to diplomacy as a means to make up for his physical shortcomings.
- Description: A small blond man whose musculature is not symmetrical, he walks with some difficulty but moves quickly. Even with the cane he sometimes needs and the braces under his clothing, he carries himself confidently.
- Languaged: English, Norwegian, Hindustani
- Str: 7 (-1)
- Dex: 10
- Con: 10
- Int: 14 (+1)
- Wis: 14 (+1)
- Cha: 18 (+2)
- Burearcracy 1
- Combat (Energy Weapons) 0
- Combat (Gunnery) 0
- Combat (Primitive Weapons) 0
- Computer 1
- Culture/Traveler 0
- Culture/World 0
- Exosuit 0
- Language 0
- Leadership 0
- Persuade 1
- Security 1
- Tech/Astronautic 0
- AC: 7 (Armored Undersuit), 4 (Pilot Suit)
- HP: 16/16
- Init: 0
- MR: 10 m/round
- Primary Ranged Attack: Laser Pistol (+0 to Hit, 100/300m, Ammo 10)
- Secondary Ranged Attack:
- Primary Melee Attack: Monoblade (+0 to Hit, 1d8+1)
- Secondary Melee Attack:
- Special Attack:
- Saves
- Physical 16
- Mental 15
- Evasion 12
- Tech 11
- Luck 14
- Weapons
- Laser Pistol, Monoblade
- Armor
- Pilot Suit (AC 4, Enc 1)
- Armored Undersuit (AC 7, Enc 0)
- Gear
- Argus Web
- Compad
- Backpack
- Atmofilter, Glowbug, Lazarus Patch, Metatool, 8 Translator Torcs (Mandarin, English, Hindustani, Spanish, Russian, Arabic, Japanese, French), 6 Type A Power Cells
Soundwave, a Specialist suit Power: 6/6, Mass: 8/11, Hardpoints: 1/1
- Armor: 8 (against non-gunnery weapons)
- AC: 3
- Speed: 6 (30 meters)
- HP: 20
- Mech Weapon: Heavy Machine Gun (+3 to hit, 3d6+2 damage, 0.5k/1k range, AP 5, Ammo, Can fire to suppress, P 3 M 2)
- Side Weapon: Laser Rifle
- Mech Fitting: Active Camo Surface (P 1 M 2)
- Mech Fitting: Morphic Silhouette Damper (P 1 M 2)
- Mech Fitting: Polyspectral Sensors (P1 M1)
- Mech Fitting: Cargo Space (P 0 M 1)
Start with no henchmen