Emelarn Stormcandle
- Elven Spellsword L2 (Warrior-Seer)
- XP: 4000/8000 (+10%)
- Neutral
- PC
- No holdings
- STR 16 (+2)
- INT 16 (+2)
- WIS 10
- DEX 10
- CON 9
- CHA 11
- Languages
- Common
- Elven
- Gnoll
- Hobgoblin
- Orc
- General Proficiencies
- Class Proficiencies
- Attunement to nature: +1 bonus to surprise rolls when in the wilderness
- Keen eyes: detect hidden and secret doors with a proficiency throw of 8+ on 1d20 when actively searching, or 14+ on casual inspection
- Connection to nature: unaffected by the paralysis of ghouls
- AC
- HP (just list the max here, list current HP on the front page.)
- Movement Rate
- Initiative Modifier
- Attacks
- Primary Melee Attack: 9+
- Secondary Melee Attack:
- Primary Ranged Attack:
- Saves:
- Petrification & Paralysis 13+
- Poison & Death 13+
- Blast & Breath 15+
- Staves & Wands 15+
- Spells 15+
- First Level: 2/day
- spell one
- spell two
- spell three
- spell four
- Gear, Armor, Weapons: Total Encumbrance. Don't list party treasure here. That's what the ape is for on the front page. This is to keep track of those things that are relatively permanently staying with your character.
- Then list
- Those things
- Individually