Erwin the Restless
- Gnome Trickster 2
- XP: 2,275/4,550
- Neutral
- PC
- 11 STR
- 10 INT
- 06 WIS (-1)
- 15 DEX (+1)
- 09 CON
- 14 CHA (+1)
- Languages
- Common
- Dwarvish
- Elvish
- Goblin
- Kobold
- General Proficiencies
- Adventuring
- Diplomacy (+2 to reaction rolls while parleying)
- Class Proficiencies
- Ambushing (+4 on attack and double dmg with surprise)
- Illusion Mastery (Illusion spells cast as if caster were 2 levels higher, attempts to disbelieve illusions are -2, magical research into illusion spells as if 2 levels higher)
- Nose for Potions (11+ to determine properties of potion or oil on taste)
- Pick Pockets (as thief of 1/2 level, currently 17+)
- Swashbuckling (+1 to AC when wearing leather and able to move freely)
- Spell-like Abilities
- Chimerical Force (once per day)
- Faerie Fire (once per hour)
- Infravision to 90'
- Mirror Image (once per 8 hours)
- Phantasmal Force (once per 8 hours)
- Prestidigitation (at-will, ex. lighting candle, shuffling cards)
- Speak with Animals (at-will)
- Ventriloquism (once per hour)
- AC 4
- HP 5
- Movement Rate 120/40/120
- Initiative Modifier +1
- Attacks
- Primary Ranged Attack: Short bow 9+, 1d6 dmg
- Primary Melee Attack: Short sword 10+, 1d6 dmg
- Saves:
- 14 Petrification & Paralysis
- 13 Poison & Death
- 15 Blast & Breath
- 15 Staves & Wands
- 16 Spells
- First Level: 1 per day
- Floating Disc
Total Encumbrance 4s, 4i
- Leather armor (2s)
- Short bow (1s)
- Quiver w arrows x20 (1i)
- Short sword (1i)
- Purse (1i) + 90 gp, 9 sp
- Backpack (1i)
- Waterskin (1i)
- 1wk iron rations (1i)
- Tinderbox (1i)
- Torches x6 (1i)
- Hammer, small (1i)
- Iron spikes x12 (1i)
- Mule (Sadie)
- Saddle & Tack
- Saddlebags, leather