Meghan, Runs-Toward-Dawn
Main Page W20 - A New Hope
- Name: Meghan, Runs-Toward-Dawn
- Breed: Lupus
- Auspice: Philodox
- Tribe: Black Furies
- Strength: 3
- Dexterity: 3
- Stamina: 3
- Charisma: 3
- Manipulation: 2
- Appearance: 2
- Perception: 5
- Intelligence: 3
- Wits: 4
- Alertness: 3
- Athletics: 2
- Brawl: 3
- Dodge: 3
- Empathy: 3
- Expression: 3
- Intimidation: 1
- Primal-Urge: 3
- Subterfuge: 1
- Animal Ken: 2
- Crafts: 1
- Leadership: 3
- Melee: 3
- Stealth: 2
- Survival: 2
- Enigmas: 2
- Law: 1
- Politics: 1
- Rituals: 3
- Fate: 4
- Totem: 5
- Rites: 3
- Heightened Senses
- Truth of Gaia
- Sense Wyrm
- Scent of the True Form
- Breath of the Wyld
- Scent of Sight
- Call to Duty
- Strength of Purpose
- Weak Arm
- Wisdom of the Ancient Ways
- Rite of Cleansing
- Rite of Contrition
- Rite of Talisman Dedication
- Moot Rite
- Rite of Spirit Awakening
- Rite of the Fetish
Other Attributes[edit]
- Rage: 5
- Gnosis: 9
- Willpower: 9
- Glory: 2
- Temporary: 0
- Honor: 6
- Temporary: 0
- Wisdom: 2
- Temporary: 0
==Freebie points== 5 for Backgrounds, 5 for Attributes, 4 for Abilities, 2 for Rage, 8 for Gnosis, 6 for Willpower