Tianxia Blood Silk & Jade:Lovely Fox Qing
Lovely Fox Qing
Jianghu Rank: 1 (movement bonus: +1 zone; passive Chi armor opposition: +1)
Refresh: 2
Theme: "Woo Hoo" - Ke$ha
High Concept: Rich Bitch with a Heart
Lovely Fox has money. Lots of money. And she’s something of a manipulator and troll, enjoying it most heartily. But unlike a lot of other people who meet that description she does care about people other than tools and playthings.
Invoke: to have a hell'a lot of money, to manipulate people like a magnificent bastard, and to break out the sincerity when needed
Compel: to target her riches, to entice her to be mean when she could be nice, and to draw her into a sob story
Trouble: Wine, Women, and Sass
Not necessarily in that order. Lovely Fox is severely attracted to having a good time (and people to have a good time with). She is also severely attracted to shooting her mouth off.
Invoke: to be a connoisseur of the first two, and a master of the third
Compel: to distract her with the first two, and to entice her to shoot her mouth off when she shouldn't
Secret Sheep of an Important Family
Lovely Fox Qing isn’t her name. That’s part of the deal: she doesn’t bring shame to the family and she gets all the money she wants. Her family has also prepared her for the world of pomp and class of nobility......even if she normally doesn’t make use of those skills.
Invoke: to have the knowhow and manners of one born into greatness
Compel: to hold the threat of revealing her, and her family cutting off her funds, against her
The “Best” Kung Fu Money Can Buy
Lovely Fox “donated” her way into a kung fu school taught by a boastful Iron Tiger master. To say that her sifu was suspect is a bit of an understatement.
Invoke: to be good at boasting, posturing, trash-talking, and fighting dirty
Compel: when the physical part of her kung fu is inadequate for the situation
Don't Start the Party Without Me!
Invoke: to barge her way in
Compell: to entice her to barge
Great (+4) Resources
Good (+3) Provoke, Will
Fair (+2) Deceive, Empathy, Investigate
Average (+1) Contacts, Fight, Notice, Rapport
Physical X O
Mental O O O O
Mild [2]: _______________________
Moderate [4]: _______________________
Severe [6]: _______________________
Kung Fu:
Steel Queen
Form Aspect:
Queen Rules the Streets: 2 Armor Rating against Provoke Attacks.
Lie Whisperer: +2 to all Empathy rolls made to discern or discover lies, whether they’re directed at you or someone else.
Money Talks: You can use Resources instead of Rapport in any situation where ostentatious displays of material wealth might aid your cause.
Master Manipulator: When using Deceive to successfully Create an Advantage based on manipulating someone gain a free invocation.
Crazy Like A Fox: +2 to Defend against attempts to force her to answer direct questions.