Bayley Williamson

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Bayley Williamson, The Professional[edit]

Road’s End doesn’t change very much. I grew up here, getting used to the little bits of weirdness that existed. I didn’t know exactly what was going on, but I picked up the little tricks to keep you safe, make sure you didn’t end up in a situation you didn’t want to be in. Let me be the first to say, I never thought I’d be back. It’s not exactly a place you go back to under normal circumstances.

Then again, when you get through a place like Road’s End, the things you learn follow you around. Government has their own need for people who had closer encounters to what they think bump in the night. I know it’s more complicated than that, but after a few years of school and some on-the-ground training, I was a member of FBI Task Force Hedgewall. Recently, I was laid off due to funds not being there for the FBI to maintain a full task force just to deal with what they felt was a small town problem.

Now, I’m an agent for the DSC, the Dubán Security Consultants, a reference to an old mythical shield. Things aren’t quite the same as when you’re working directly for the government, but the work’s pretty much the same. Investigate first, interfere if necessary. Especially since they only have the money or whatever to send me out here by myself, making due with what I can find. Luckily, this is Road’s End, help isn’t as hard to find as it would seem.


Woman, Determined Face, Tailored Suit


  • Charm: -1
  • Cool: +2
  • Sharp: +1
  • Tough: +1
  • Weird: +0



  • Rigorous Training
  • Good Intel

Red Tape[edit]

  • Dubious Motives
  • Secretive Hierarchy


  • Deal With The Agency: When you deal with the Agency, requesting help or gear, or making excuses for a failure, roll Sharp. On a 10+, you’re good—your request for gear or personnel is okayed, or your slip-up goes unnoticed. On a 7-9, things aren’t so great. You might get chewed out by your superiors and there’ll be fallout, but you get what you need for the job. On a miss, you screwed up: you might be suspended or under investigation, or just in the doghouse. You certainly aren’t going to get any help until you sort it all out.
  • Leave No One Behind: In combat, when you help someone escape, roll +Sharp. On a 10+ you get them out clean. On a 7-9, you can either get them out or suffer no harm, you choose. On a miss, you fail to get them out and you’ve attracted hostile attention.
  • Medic: You have a full first aid kit, and the training to heal people. When you do first aid, roll +Cool. On a 10+ the patient is stabilized and healed of 2 harm. On a 7-9 choose one: heal 2 harm or stabilize the injury. On a miss, you cause an extra 1 harm. This move takes the place of regular first aid.
  • Mobility: You have a truck, van, or car built for monster hunting.

Good Things: Classic, Fast Bad Things: Obvious


  • Flak Vest (1-armour hidden)
  • Submachine Gun (3-harm close area loud reload)
  • 9mm (2-harm close loud)
  • Big knife (1-harm hand)
  • Blue 1970 Ford Mustang Boss 302 (Classic, Fast, Obvious)



Eddie doesn't trust me. Eddie's made the list of reliable local contacts, however. Listed with enough asterisks to make the point that it's only if he wants to be involved. Still, there are some situations where the ex-spook with a small armory is better than nothing. He's helpful when he wants to be. Or has to be.


She was involved in a case I was working in the early days of the DSC. Back when I bothered pretending I was still FBI. Back when Rose didn't want to know as much about herself. She was helpful and clever, but we both found the other out pretty quickly. Someone she knew got murdered by something that bumped in the night, some sort of goblin-like thing. Luckily, bullets still work pretty well against anything smaller than a person. I don't dig too deeply, but I left out Rose's part of things in the report. Better off that way.


He's on the local watch list. Not like a government one, this one just means keep an eye on them. Don't think the boy's going to be harmful, but when you've got enough fae blood in you, sometimes there are overnight changes. Personality as well as physical. Just making sure he doesn't do anything that gets himself in too much trouble, really.


We're old friends, back from before either one of us knew about how much time we'd be spending around things that bump in the night. We've kept in touch over the years, even ran into a few times on the job. Still, we've got slightly different methods. Mainly because I don't have a magic sword and she doesn't have years of agency training.


Advances Taken[edit]

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