Jian Van Jensen

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“I shall do no harm I cain’t patch up”

Character concept: Practical Pacifist/Always in the Thick of Things.

Role: Ship's Doctor/Medic

Home planet: Sihnon

Religion: Buddhist[ish]

Age: 38

Height: 170cm

Weight: 70kg

First Impressions: Jian is short and wiry, with a mix of Asian and Caucasian features. He keeps his hair buzzed and wears a short goatee, has dark eyes and a quiet, unassuming voice. On ship or station, he is easily spotted in crimson ship's coveralls festooned across the arms, legs, and torso with myriad pockets in which he keeps all the tools of his trade handy.

ATTRIBUTES Mental [d10] Physical [d8] Social [d6]


Ship’s Doctor [d8]

- Roll d4 Instead of d8 for 1 PP

- Natural Healer: Spend 1 PP to step back another character’s medical or injury based Complication.

Things Don’t Go Smooth [d8]

- Roll d4 Instead of d8 for 1 PP

- Tough as Nails: When you take a Complication representing an injury or physical harm, spend 1 PP to step it back or rename it as a Mental or Social Complication.

Reader [d8]

- Roll d4 Instead of d8 for 1 PP


Focus [d8]

Know [d8] Medical

Move [d12] Into Harm’s Way

Notice [d12] Acute Peripheral Vision

Operate [d8]

Survive [d6]

Treat [d10]

[d4/Untrained] Craft, Drive, Fight, Fix, Fly, Influence, Labor, Perform, Shoot, Sneak, Throw, Trick


Horse Tranq Hypospray [d8]

Stim Drinker [d6]