The Bolt (PauloDewalshio)

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The Bolt (David McIntyre)

Personal Information[edit]

Name: David McIntyre

Age: 39

Occupation: None

Identity: Secret


Strength 2, Stamina 5, Agility 5, Dexterity 4, Fighting 4, Intellect 3, Awareness 2, Presence 1


Athletics 6 (+8), Close Combat: Shocking Touch 6 (+10), Close Combat: Superspeed Punches 4 (+8), Deception 11 (+12), Expertise: Science 7 (+10), Insight 6 (+8), Investigation 5 (+8), Perception 6 (+8), Ranged Combat: Lightning Spear 4 (+8), Sleight of Hand 1 (+5)


Accurate Attack, Improved Initiative 7, Move-by Action, Takedown 2, Taunt


Initiative +33

Bring Down the Storm!: Line Area Damage 10 (DC 25)

Grab, +4 (DC Spec 12)

Lightning Spear: Damage 8, +16 (DC 23)

Shocking Touch: Affliction 14, +10 (DC Fort 24)

Superspeed Punches: Strength-based Damage 8, +14 (DC 25)

Throw, +4 (DC 17)

Unarmed, +4 (DC 17)


Dodge 14, Parry 14, Fortitude 12, Toughness 10, Will 12


Lightning Shield: Protection 5(+5 Toughness)

Nanite Suit: Feature 1 (Removable, Notes: Quick Change)

Quantum Lightning Powers

. . Bring Down the Storm!: Line Area Damage 10[/B] (DC 25; Line Area: 5 feet wide by 30 feet long, DC 20)

. . Lightning Form: Insubstantial 3 (Energy)

. . Lightning Spear: Damage 8 (DC 23; Accurate 4: +8, Increased Range: ranged)

. . Shocking Touch: Affliction 14 (1st degree: Dazed, 2nd degree: Stunned, 3rd degree: Incapacitated, Resisted by: Fortitude, DC 24)

. . Superspeed Punches: Strength-based Damage 8 (DC 25; Accurate 3: +6, Multiattack)

Superspeed (Advantages: Improved Initiative 7)

. . Quickness: Quickness 8 (Perform routine tasks in -8 time ranks)

. . Run On Water: Movement 1 (Water Walking 1: you sink if you are prone; Limited: While Moving)

. . Run Up Walls: Movement 1 (Wall-crawling 1: -1 speed rank; Limited: While Moving)

. . Speed: Speed 12 (Speed: 8000 miles/hour, 16 miles/round)


David McIntyre was born and raised in Edinburgh, Scotland; his mother was a brilliant scientist who spent most of her career trying to safely tap into one of the many extra-dimensional forces that various superheroes had access to. When David was 18 he got a job as a security guard at the research centre where his mother worked, but one night when he was doing his usual rounds he noticed a bright glow coming from his mother's lab. David decided to investigate and found that one of the machines set up to contain an extra-dimensional force one of his mother's co-workers dubbed "Quantum Lightning" was overloading, but it exploded before he could react and he was caught at the centre of the blast. David spent the next 6 months in a coma and when he awoke, he found that he had been infused with the Quantum Lightning from the explosion and that it had granted him amazing abilities, as well as a mysterious voice in his head that was a part of the Quantum Lightning itself. David quickly put his powers to good use, becoming the speedster Shock and Awe, and while his new superhero lifestyle had its ups and downs, David wouldn't have traded his powers for the world.

That changed when David encountered Doctor Clock, a mysterious speedster with the ability to manipulate time. The ‘good’ doctor possessed disturbingly specific personal details about David’s normal life – home address, names of family members, what school he went to, etc. – and enjoyed toying with him in and out of costume when she wasn’t just putting him in the hospital (or rather, his mother’s lab). He often came home to discover death threats from Doctor Clock, or see her out of the corner of his eye for a brief second before she vanished. David tried not to let his fear of the time-warper show, putting on a brave face and emphasising his usual snarky attitude when they fought, but deep down he wanted nothing more than to run and hide every time he even thought of her.

The conflict between the two reached its peak when Doctor Clock kidnapped David’s little sister, Alice. David had finally had enough; You could hurt him, you could make him fear for his life, you could even try to kill him, but if you even so much as hurt a hair on his sister’s head then he would make you pay dearly. The speedster rushed to the location he was given without a second thought, determined to pay Doctor Clock back for everything she had done to him. Unfortunately, in his rage, he unthinkingly walked straight into a trap and was hit with sleeping gas for his troubles. When he awoke, David was trapped six feet underground in a small coffin.

It took what felt like hours of punching and digging, but David managed to dig his way out of the grave up to the surface, finding himself on the outskirts of Edinburgh. Dazed and gasping for breath, he wanted nothing more than to run home, and break down crying in his parent’s arms, but when David looked at the Edinburgh skyline and saw that part of it was on fire, he knew what he had to do. After collecting himself, the teenage speedster ran right towards the burning city, finding his arch-nemesis wreaking havoc.

The fight between the two was brutal and lasted for two hours, with millions of pounds in property damage caused and countless lives lost due to both Doctor Clock’s maliciousness and David’s unwillingness to focus on anything other than beating the villain to within an inch of her life. When it was all over, Doctor Clock was a broken mess at David’s feet, and yet she continued to taunt him about his every failing. David silently weathered the insults, until the Doctor began to describe how she murdered Alice without remorse. In a fit of animalistic rage, David drove a spear of Quantum Lightning through the villain’s heart, killing her. He looked around him to see the terrified and hateful faces of those around him, and he could only think of how ungrateful they all were. He had saved them countless times and yet they looked at him as if he was a monster. He ran off, disgusted with them all.

David returned home, beaten, bloody, and mentally broken, expecting to collapse into his remaining family’s comforting embrace. Instead, he found looks of fear and confusion from his mum, dad, and his sister. To his surprise and horror, David discovered that Doctor Clock had never kidnapped Alice in the first place, she was simply at a friend’s house and forgot to tell him; He had just killed a woman for nothing.

The police issued an arrest warrant for Shock and Awe the next day, and David disappeared shortly after that. He drifted for a couple of months, though where to no one except him knows, before returning to his hometown as someone completely different. David was tired of being the hero, he was tired of looking out for those who would turn their backs on him the moment he did something that didn’t perfectly align with their moral code. Instead, he’d start looking out for himself for a change. And so, David became the super-powered thief known as ‘Death Racer’ (looking back, he really regrets the name). He spent the next five months doing whatever he liked, whenever he liked. He didn’t care who he hurt, just so long as he got something out of it by the end. That is, until what should’ve been a routine smash-and-grab of his mother’s laboratory resulted in a horrific explosion that left many old friends dead and his mother in a wheelchair. David turned himself in the next day, realising what a horrible person he had become and prepared to live the rest of his life behind bars.

Then ‘The Event’ happened, and the world was almost quite literally torn asunder. David spent the two decades of his life drifting once more, this time helping those in desperate need, until learning of a project to send a group twenty years back in time to prevent the Event from ever happening. David sought them out and volunteered his services immediately, realising he could save both the world and himself from a horrible future.


Claustrophobic: After an incident in which he was buried alive for a full day, David now suffers from claustrophobia.

Enemy: The mysterious time-warping speedster Dr Clock was the nemesis of David's younger self, and she was also indirectly responsible for his later villainy. David's utter contempt for the mystery woman is as strong as ever.

Identity: David's naturally not too keen on his younger self, or anyone for that matter, finding out who he really is.

Motivation - Save Himself: Terrible things happened to David, and he responded by doing terrible things in return. Now, David hopes he can stop all of that.

Motivation - Save the Future: David is determined to save the future, no matter the cost.

No Man Left Behind: After all the deaths he's seen in his life, David absolutely refuses to leave anyone to die if he can save them, regardless of how he feels about them or the potential risk to his own safety.

Power Loss: David can completely expend all the Quantum Lightning built up in his cells and lose all his powers if he pushes himself beyond his normal limits for too long (which is usually done by temporarily increasing his speed or using the Quantum Lightning in a way he is not used to). When he loses his powers, it takes roughly 24 hours for him to completely 'recharge'.

Voice in your head: The Quantum Lightning David is infused with is sentient and will often give him advice about what it thinks he should do in a situation. It's not always right, however, and its plans have hurt more than they've helped on several occasions

Power Points[edit]

Abilities 52 + Powers 59 + Advantages 5 + Skills 28 (56 ranks) + Defenses 36 = 180