General Info
- Culture: Barding
- Class: Warrior
- Level: 8
- Proficiency Bonus: +3
- Standard of Living: Prosperous
- Strength: 14 (+2)
- Dexterity: 20 (+5)
- Constitution: 16 (+3)
- Intelligence: 10 (+0)
- Wisdom: 12 (+1)
- Charisma: 8 (-1)
Saving Throws
- Strength:
- Constitution:
- Animal Handling:
- Insight:
- Perception:
- Hit Points: 12 (1st level) + 8 (2nd level)
- Hit Dice: d10
Weapons & Armour
- Proficiencies: All armour, shields, simple weapons, martial weapons
- Equipment: Ring mail, Broadsword, great bow, 20 arrows
Special Abilities
- Duelling. When fighting with only the broadsword, add +2 to damage.
- Second Wind (Recharge on short or long rest).Use bonus action to gain 1d10+8 hit points.
- Action Surge (Recharge on short or long rest). Take one additional action in a turn, or spend Inspiration to give same to an ally.
- Knight of King Bard (Charge: Dale). Gain X temporary hit points when defending Dale.
- Reward (Barding). Dalish Longbow.
Virtues & Rewards
- Swordmaster (When fighting with a broadsword or long sword, add PB to AC, cannot wield a shield)
- Dalish Longbow (Greatbow, +1 to attack and damage, +1d8 on critical)