Blue Rose: Bitter Ashes of an Eternal Flame:Houserules
The following houserules are being used in the campaign Bitter Ashes of an Eternal Flame:
- If you succeed at a Toughness save against damage, you nonetheless get a level of Hurt and/or Bruised, just as if you had failed by a margin of 1 to 5.
- For combat, I will make use of a sort of "one-dimensional map" - that is, I'll describe the battlefield in terms of how far away every participant is from some origin point, on the assumption that they are all standing on a straight line. It's not perfect, but for play-by-post, it's the best way I've found to involve movement and range considerations at all - and those are a pretty major part of the system. It is assumed that any number of participants can stand on the same position. You can only attack someone with a melee weapon if you are on the same position (or from a position 5' away if you have a reach weapon).
- When moving out of or passing through a position where there is one or more enemies that are not stunned or otherwise unable to attack, and where you do not have one or more allies, those enemies get a free attack against you.
- When making a ranged attack at a position where there is one or more enemies that are not stunned or otherwise unable to attack, and where you do not have one or more allies, those enemies get a free attack against you.
- Groups of enemies with the same Initiative score roll a single die for initiative and act at the same time in the round.
- If your first level is in Warrior, you can spend a Conviction point to remove all your Hurt and Bruised.
- If your first level is in Expert, you can spend a Conviction point to have access to any skill for one scene, at 4 ranks if it's a Favoured Skill for you, or 2 ranks if it is not.
- If your first level is in Adept, you can spend a Conviction point to have access to any arcanum for one turn, at a rank equal to your total level + 3.
- This also means that you can't otherwise spend a Conviction point to get access to feats like Arcane Training, Arcanum, Skill Training, Wild Talent, etc, etc, that would duplicate the effects of the above abilities.