Spirits in a Small Village - Magic Seeps in:Rina O'Reilly

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Rina O'Reilly is a character in the Spirits in a Small Village - Magic Seeps in game, played by jamieth.

Character Sheet


  • High Concept: Rough-and-tumble tomboy
  • Trouble: "You're not old enough for this!"
  • First Adventure: Ran away with the circus
  • Aspect 4: Run away from danger, and you'll miss all the fun
  • Aspect 5: {Aspect Name}


  • Great (+4): Empathy
  • Good (+3): Athletics, Friendly
  • Fair (+2): Fitness, Sneaky, Fling
  • Average (+1): Contacts, Notice, Will, Trick


  • Jungle is my gym: I get +2 when using Athletics to climb trees, jump between branches and so on
  • "Don't mind me, I'm just taking a nap": I can pay an FP to enter a scene by revealing I was there all along, napping on the roof, sitting in a tree or something like that, subject to GM's approval
  • {Stunt 3}: {Description}





  • Physical [ ][ ][ ]
  • Mental [ ][ ][ ]


  • Mild [ ]
  • Moderate [ ]
  • Severe [ ]

Phase Trio

First Adventure

Rina runs away When eleven-year-old Rina O'Reilly got a baby brother, she wasn't that happy about it. After all, it wasn't her who got all the attention now... so, as a protest -and because it looked fun - she sneaked away in a wagon of a troupe that passed the village. After helping the dog trainer find a lost puppy, she realized how much her parents must be worried for her, and got back home. The scolding Rina's mother gave her is still remembered in the village, and the girl admits is was extremely idiotic of her... but is still proud of being able to juggle and do twenty cartwheels without stopping.

Crossover with Bento

What Bento - not the widow - learned didn't learn was that cheese wasn't the knife's second target; that was the girl who climbed the widow's kitchen's window with an armful of apples from Jora's garden. Rina dived out the window, ludkily dropping the fruits in the process. But, once she realized the knife wasn't giving chase, she peeked back inside the kitchen - and, gathering apples back, spent several fun minutes "feeding" the apples to the knife.

Crossover with Argee

Heart's character sheet


  • High Concept: Domestic-Cat Nekomata
  • Trouble: "Humans are Just the Worst."
  • Aspect 3: "I Love Argee Like He's My Own Kitten."


  • Good (+3): Athetics
  • Fair (+2): Sneaky
  • Average (+1): Spirit Lore


  • Pounce! Attack with Athletics instead of Fight when catching the target off guard.





  • Physical [ ][ ]
  • Mental [ ][ ]