Kingdom vs. Reich: Lucy Lopez

STR: 7 DEX: 16 CON: 12 INT: 15 WIS: 11 CHA: 15
Lucrezia "Lucy" Lopez is a character in Kingdom vs. Reich.
Born in Havana, Cuba to an aristocratic family, Lucy lived a sheltered, comfortable life, at least until the Sight came upon her just before her 18th birthday. Taken into the Order, she graduated from Knight training at age 21 and, being a fiery, irrepressible free spirit and blithely resentful of authority figures, immediately rebelled and went rogue, shirking her holy obligations to the Knighthood and scandalously reveling in a life of daring crime and long con jobs. After three years of thieving, she fell in with the nefarious jewel thieves, the Kerrigan brothers, Eric and Julian - and into a torrid and passionate affair with Eric, inciting the seething jealousy of Julian. The jealous sibling turned on Lucy and her lover, betraying them to the Miami police, and when the dust and smoke cleared, Eric was dead at his brother's hands, the jealous murderer vanished into the wind, and Lucy was in handcuffs. Two years into her five-year sentence, the Knights found themselves direly short on manpower in an hour of desperate need, and pulled strings to get the remainder of Lucy's sentence commuted, contingent upon the promise that she return to the fold. With her only other option being an intolerable three more years in federal prison, Lucy has agreed to play the good little soldier... for now.