Kingdom vs. Reich: Malik Williams

Age: 21
STR: 9 DEX: 15 CON: 9 INT: 9 WIS: 11 CHA: 16
Malik Williams is a character in Kingdom vs. Reich.
Malik has a background!
Character Sheet
- Transporter/Champion
- Drive
STR 9 INT 9 WIS 11 DEX 15 +1 CON 9 CHA 16 +1
- HP 9
- AC 13
- BHB +1 Melee/+2 Ranged
- Save 15 - +1 while behind the wheel of a vehicle, +1 on WIS saves
+1 in any action check related to driving a ground or water vehicle, piloting an aircraft, or performing technician duties
+1 in any action check related to driving a vehicle well in a stressful situation.
- Weapon of Faith: The champion’s weapon is considered magical, for the purpose of striking enemies that are resistant to mundane weaponry, and the weapon is imbued with the champion’s faith, causing it to deal extra damage to Unholy creatures such as demons, undead, and spirits as if it were a holy symbol, dealing an extra 1d8 Holy damage +1. Should the champion’s weapon be lost, the champion may not simply take up a new one so easily and expect it to work as the previous one: it takes time for such a bond to form.
- Turn Unholy: By holding their holy weapon proudly before them in a defensive motion, the champion can imbue it with the full power of their conviction, terrifying any unholy supernatural beings such that they fear approaching the champion, and may even flee in terror.
- Fear No Evil: The conviction of the champion is such that they know no fear or surrender in the face of true evil. A champion will always succeed in any saving throws against magical or supernaturally induced fear, and will not back down from an Unholy foe in a fight even at the cost of their own life.
- Holy Vigilance: Champions are steely-eyed and ever wary of the potential presence of evil, and their faith grants them sight beyond that of the ordinary, enabling them to detect the presence of Unholy beings within 30 meters, and see through magical disguise, polymorph, and even possession to detect the true nature of the Unholy creature beneath.
- $700
- Semi-Automatic Pistol
- Spare Ammo upgrade
- Operative kit
- Medic kit
- Shotgun (Weapon of Faith)
- Spare Ammo upgrade
- Light Armor
- Silver Audi Sedan (Luxury Car)