Kirana Shurga

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Kirana Shurga[edit]

Gigant Hero 3

Personal Info[edit]

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Gender: Female

Race: Gigant

Age: 34

Height: 18’4”

Weight: 2090 lbs

Eyes: Blue

Skin: Fair

Hair: Rose

Alignment: Neutral Good

Background: Entertainer

Proficiency: +2 Inspiration: 0

Abilities, Saves, and Skills[edit]

Ability Score Modifier Save Proficient Skills
Strength 16 +3 +3 Athletics +5
Dexterity 14 +2 +2 Acrobatics +4
Constitution 16 +3 +5
Intelligence 8 -1 -1
Wisdom 10 0 0 Insight +2
Charisma 14 +2 +4 Performance +4

Combat Statistics and Attacks[edit]

AC 14

Initiative +2

Speed 40

Hit Points 45/45

Hit Dice 3/4d12

Death Saves

Spell Casting Ability Charisma (Save DC 12 / Attack +4)

Weapon/Spell Attack/Damage Type Range/Reach Save
Greataxe +5/1d12+3 Slashing Melee/10’
Handaxe +5/1d6+3 Slashing Melee/10’ Thrown 20/60’
Ray of Frost +4/1d8 Cold 60’


Weapons: Simple weapons, Greataxe

Armor: None

Saves: Constitution, Charisma

Skills: Athletics, Acrobatics, Insight, Performance

Tools: Disguise Kit, Flute

Languages: Common, Giant


Racial Features[edit]

Huge: Your size is Huge. You have 10 foot reach. Your maximum Strength is 24 and your maximum Constitution is 22. You gain additional weapon damage and hit dice as you increase in level. See Gigant for more details.

Natural Armor: Your Armor Class is a 12 + your Dexterity modifier (14) when not wearing other armor.

Natural Subsistence: Your connection to nature allows you to survive on rations of food and water as if you were a medium sized creature for weeks at a time. If you go more than two weeks without eating a day’s worth of gigant-sized meals, you gain a level of exhaustion each week thereafter. Each day of eating gigant-sized meals will remove one level of exhaustion gained from using this feature.

Class Features[edit]

Natural Resilience: You can manifest your bond with nature to temporarily protect yourself. When you are hit by a bludgeoning, slashing, or piercing attack, you may use your Reaction to reduce the damage you take by an amount equal to your Constitution modifier (3). You may use this feature a number of times equal to your Constitution modifier (3). You regain expended uses after a short or long rest.

Elemental Resistance: You have Resistance to Cold.

Gigantic Archetype: You have the Convoker archetype.

Archetype Features[edit]

Spellcasting: At 3rd level you are able to cast spells, using Charisma as your spellcasting characteristic. You are a divine caster and use a druidic focus when casting spells. You pick your spells from the Druid list. If you multiclass as another spellcasting class, use one third of your Gigant Hero levels (rounded down) when determining your total spell slots.

Background Features[edit]

Routines: You can perform as a dancer, a singer, and a flutist.

By Popular Demand: You can always find a place to perform. At such place you receive free lodging and food of a modest or comfortable standard, as fits the place, for each night that you perform. When strangers recognize you in a town where you have performed, they typically take a liking to you.


Level Slots Spells Known/Prepared
Cantrip Druidcraft, Ray of Frost
1st 2/2 Cure Wounds, Faerie Fire, Fog Cloud

Personality and History[edit]

Personality Trait: I can find music everywhere, from the empty hills, to the frantic battlefields.

Ideal: Honesty. Art should reflect the soul; it should come from within and reveal who we are.

Bond: I want people to remember me for my music, not my height or strength.

Flaw: I’m a sucker for a good story.


I’m straightforward to a fault. I leave the twisty-thinking to people who have the mind for it. I face problems head on and deal with whatever’s in front of me. I am a little shy around the smaller folk, though; I can’t help but stand out for who am rather than what I do.


I hail from the lands of the [Mammoth Tribes (So Metal)]. I traveled to the lands of the short-folk as part of the mercenary band Uslyg Butlak, called the Crushing Mountains in the Common tongue, to find employment among the [Tiny Bickering Fiefdoms]. I have no love of battle, except as it is necessary, but the opportunity to hear the songs and music and see the dances of the small-folk was worth the risk. When my period of service with the Mountains was over, I parted ways and remained in the [Tiny Bickering Fiefdoms] to practice my trade as an entertainer, and to lend my axe to groups whose adventures would bring me to places to inspire my music.

Equipment and Treasure[edit]

Weapons: Greataxe (G), Handaxe (G)

Armor: None

Tools and Instruments: Wooden flute (G)

Equipment: Explorer’s pack (G), Dancer’s costume (G), Red silk scarf (a favor from a lady admirer, tied around the haft of my axe; human sized), Belt pouch (G), Totem (druidic focus; G), Whetstone (G), Steel mirror (G), Soap (GS)

Money: 26gp 7sp 6cp