Godbound: Blood and Oil:Contraposition of Immaculate Repose

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Name: Shimmering Mercurial Purifier

Player: Shining Lotus Sage

Campaign: Blood and Oil

Caste: Soulsteel

Current incarnation: Propagandist Confessor

Previous incarnation: Prolific Scholar who first proposed the Great Lure, Evocat commander who used infected troops with remote kill-switches to purge a Blight Zone

Level: 1

Weapon: +2 short beamklave (1d6+1), +2 paired short beamklaves (1d10+1), +2 Radiant Agony Well (1d6+1, 120')

Armour: None (AC 2)


Strength 8 (bonus -1, check 13+)

Dexterity 13 (bonus +1, check 8+)

Constitution 10 (bonus +0, check 11+)

Wisdom 14 (bonus +1, check 7+)

Intelligence 13 (bonus +1, check 8+)

Charisma 16 (18 from Passion; bonus +3, check: 3+)

Hardiness: 15+

Evasion: 14+

Spirit: 12+

Hit Points: 7/8

Experience Points: 3

Available Dominion: 1

Spent Dominion: 0

Installed Charms

Passion (Inherent) - Raises CHA to 18.

Infecteous Passion (2) - Spend scene-long Effort to plant an emotion in a target that spreads five or six degrees.

Luck (3) - Roll 1d20 once per day. Can replace any one roll during the day with the result. (used)

Unmarred Beneficence (1) - AC 3. Never victim of any harm that randomly befalls a member of the group.

Stored Charms

Terrifying Mien (1) - Spend scene-long Effort to force a Morale check in all enemies that see you, -2 to non-worthy opponents.

Beasts (3) - Can speak to animals and Alpha-subroutines. Unintelligent animals and machine-spirits obey orders.

Eyes of the Cat (1) - You can see in perfect darkness, hear everything within 100 yards and track by scent.

The World Against You (1) - Commit Effort. Launch invisible ranged attacks that do 1d10 damage.


Committed for the day (2)


Uncommitted (2)