Inglorious Monsters:Sior

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A gentle but intimidating giant, Sior hails from the North, the bitter cold and wind bracing body and soul in the struggle to survive. He’s seen a lot of death in his day, and with that came the Awakening that showed him the Truth behind the Lie. One day, out of nowhere, Sior was approached by a man named Agent Starr. He offered Sior a deal - help stop the Nazis and their reign of terror, and in doing so he could not only help many people, but potentially find artifacts of great power. Sior accepted, especially after learning that the Nazis had converted many Scelestus to their cause and were trucking with the Abyss.



Sior is incredibly fit and muscular, with shoulder-length dark hair and tattoos covering most of his body. He wears his numerous scars as marks of pride and accomplishment.


Path: Moros

Order: Guardians of the Veil

Concept: Wise Gentle Giant

Virtue: Selflessness

Vice: Pride

Nimbus: Swirling streams of dark purple energy filled with the screaming faces of the dead swirl around him, making his enemies more fearful of him.

Nimbus Tilt: -1 Resolve


Stop an Abyssal incursion

Help someone in need

Find the perfect vessel to make into a Soul Jar


Discover how the Nazis are calling forth the Abyss


Health: 9

Willpower: 6

Gnosis: 1

Mana: 10

Wisdom: 7

Size: 6

Defense: 7

Speed: 12

Initiative Modifier: 5


Intelligence 2

Wits 2

Resolve 3

Strength 4

Dexterity 2

Stamina 3

Presence 3

Manipulation 2

Composure 3


Crafts 1

Investigation 1

  • Rote Skill

Medicine 1

Occult 2 (The Abyss)

Athletics 5 (Feats of Endurance)

Brawl 3

Firearms 1

  • 9-again

Stealth 1

  • Rote Skill

Survival 1

  • 9-again

Weaponry 4 (Staffs)

Empathy 2

Intimidation 2

Persuasion 1

Subterfuge 2

  • Rote Skill


Artifact 7 (Staff of Stygian Triumph)

Contacts (Military) 2


High Speech

Order Status (Guardians of the Veil) 1

Professional Training (Soldier) 2

  • Asset Skills: Firearms, Survival


Death 2

Fate 1

Matter 2

Prime 1


Find the Balance

Soul Jar


Craftsman's Eye

  • Intelligence + Investigation + Matter

Detect Substance

  • Wits + Investigation + Matter

Soul Marks

  • Intelligence + Occult + Death

Speak with the Dead

  • Presence + Investigation + Death

Touch of the Grave

  • Strength + Survival + Death

Arcana Attainments

Death, Fate, Matter, and Prime Counterspell

Death, Fate, Matter, and Prime Mage Sight

Hexes and Boons

Death Armor

Matter Armor (Grants Armor 2 vs. physical attacks)

Eyes of the Dead (Can always see and sense ghosts, souls and deathly phenomena in Twilight)


Dedicated Magical Tool: Staff of Stygian Triumph

Magical Tools: Lead coin, bone knife, gem-studded goblet


Staff of Stygian Triumph

  • Artifact 7
  • Deny the Reaper (Death 5)
  • Soul Armor (Death 2)
  • Gnosis 4
  • Mana 14

A seven-foot tall very heavy staff made of black wood carved with deathly images, topped with a large diamond that emits ghastly purple-black light when activated.

Bonuses and XP Expenditures

+1 dot in Athletics, Brawl, Firearms, and Weaponry

+2 dots in Professional Training (Soldier) Merit

+1 dot in Strength

+1 dot in Composure