Rollo Tumblen
A character in the Wilderlands Hex Crawl IV B/X Campaign.
Rollo Tumblen[edit]
- Alignment: N Class: Fighter Level:5
- XP: 17, 032/32,000
- 788 ooc#320
- 14 ooc#408
- 7 ooc#445
- 262 ooc#459
- 12 ooc470
- 6 ooc#504
- 668 ooc#631,633
- Backstory: Rollo is a mercenary from Haghill who has drifted around the wilderlands where the next chance to earn coin has taken him. He carries an enchanted sword, Swiftblade found by his grandfather in barbrian Altanis many years ago
- STR 13 +1 to hit, +1 dam
- INT 10
- WIS 8 -1 saves vs magic
- DEX 11
- CON 9
- CHA 9
- HP: 40
- AC: 5
- Attack:
- Sword +1 - +2 to hit, +2 damage 1d8
- Longbow
- Dagger
- Movement: 30/90/30
- Treasure-bearing movement:
- Saves:
- Death Ray or Poison
- Magic Wands
- Paralysation or Petrification
- Dragon Breath
- Rod, Stave, or Spell:
Racial Abilities[edit]
- Sword +1/+3 vs Dragons enc 60
- Longbow & 20 Arrows enc 30
- 5 silver arrows enc m
- Dagger enc 10
- Chain mail enc 400
- Backpack enc m
- 2 weeks iron rations enc m - used 4 days
- 1 week standard rations
- 1 Waterskins enc m
- Tinder box enc m
- 5 flasks oil enc m
- 18 torches enc m
- 12 iron spikes enc m
- 50 ft rope enc m
- small hammer enc m
- pouch wolfsbane enc m
- 2 small sacks enc m
- steel mirror enc m
- 1gp
- 1 fairway coin
- 54pp
- 10x 75gp gem
- potion of healing