My Little Mahou Shoujo:Abeba Bloom

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Abeba "Apple" Solomon Bloom - Element of Courage[edit]

Since she's been little, Apple has been possessed by an insatiable curiosity, and her poor dad has more than once had to be called in to the school office after the latest incident climbing onto the school roof in a very unsporting attempt at winning a game of tag or having to be fished out of the tiger enclosure after insisting to her classmates that her mum totally taught her how to fight back against lions.

Truth be told she's having a bit of trouble adjusting to American life. Back home she used to go on adventures out past the town limits with her friends every day, turning up all sorts of nooks and crannies without a care in the world. But ever since moving to the states, her mum hasn't had time to be around, and her dad is always burying his nose in some 'law books' from the library, and money's always short, and she hasn't gotten to go out and explore even _once_ after dark.

She'd just like some good friends to do things with. Also maybe for Ms. Lee to _really_ turn out to be a secret yakuza master coordinating a crime ring under the very noses of the adults of the town, but she'll settle for the former.

Apple Bloom mode:[edit]


  • Strong - 3


  • Agile - 3
  • Combat Expert - 1


  • Quick - 2
  • Evasive - 2
  • Iron Willed - 3


  • Dexterous - 1
  • Intuitive - 1
  • Vigourous - 1
  • Knowledge (Handicraft) - 2


  • Transformation - 5


  • Ageism 2
  • Loved One: Revy 2
  • Loved One: Crusaders 1
  • Overconfident 2
  • Poor 1
  • Restricted Freedom 1
  • Obsession(Adventure) 1
  • Focus: Necklace 3 (No benefit)

Internationally Renowned Adventuress Apple Bloom:[edit]

  • Outfit: Adventurer Archaeologist theme, tan shirt with leather jacket and rolled up khaki shorts. Huge red ribbon tied in bow. Satchel slung over one shoulder, filled with all manner of odds and ends.
  • Dimensional Pocket 2
  • Healer 3
    • Survival Aid: Reduced Action(Standard), Unwieldy x3
  • Whipcraft ('Witchcraft') 4
    • Whip Disarm: No Damage, Disarming, Powered by Whipcraft
  • Attack 1
    • Machete: Weapon, Effective - 6 dice, DX 5