The World of Kung-Fu 4.2: Laughing Devils

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Laughing Devils: The Infernal Sorcerers

“That is not dead which dreadful treads the nighted onyx path, ‘Neath blighted sky, by dead Nkai, where shantaks scream and devils laugh.”—Abd Al Hazred, Necronomicon, 730.

These corrupt magicians have sided with demonic forces in return for supernatural power and the opportunity to enjoy doing evil. Originally a conspiracy among Wudang preists, the Devils split away millennia ago to serve the forces of darkness. The Devils believe that to truly follow the way of nature is to follow desire and impulse, not to cultivate restraint and serenity like a priest or monk. The Devils are renowned for their excesses, and defectors generally report that they had a very good time.

Laughing Devils plots generally aim at corrupting people, making them hedonistic, irreverent, lazy, impulsive, irresponsible, selfish and unrestrained. They despise rituals, formalities, and anything else that gets in the way of the individual serving themselves.

The Western occult underground is ultimately ruled by the Laughing Devils and every powerful magician knows it. Laughing Devils may use Western magicians as pawns or lesser allies, but the Western mages do not trust the Devils and resent their yoke. They would like to rise up, but their lack of chi cultivation makes them weak and inferior.

The Devils also ally with, or simply control, a variety of supernatural creatures, including demons, vampires, lycanthropes, ghosts and evil spirits of many kinds. Their allies are drawn from the monsters of both Eastern and Western folklore and mythology, and more besides.

“The end is near. I hear a noise outside the door. That damnable, tittering, mocking laugh! They shall not find me. My God! That foot through the wall!”—H.P. Lovecraft, “The Kung Foo Horror”, 1916.

The Devils don’t often teach their Kung Fu, but will be do so where they think it can corrupt. Become Trained by a Master requires entering into an infernal pact. The applicant does not sign away their soul, but they do agree to cause chaos for the rest of their lives. Quitting the Laughing Devils is forbidden, though other Devils would rather tempt a rogue back than kill them. Quitting may or may not bring infernal supernatural consequences, but it does not remove any powers gained through the study of Laughing Devils Kung Fu.

The Laughing Devils rarely use mundane foot soldiers, more often relying on supernatural creatures as muscle—ghouls, vampires, werewolves and the like. If human troops are deployed, they will generally be cultists trained in Kung Fu and possibly magic.

Laughing Devils Kung Fu 6 points.

Skills: Alchemy, Judo, Karate, Knife, Philosophy (Daoism).

Techniques: Any Judo, Any Knife, Exotic Hand Strike (Devil Fist), Feint (Judo or Knife), Ground Fighting, Push Kick, Spinning Kick, Spinning Punch, Sweep (Judo or Karate).

Cinematic Skills: Blindfighting, Body Control, Hypnotic Hands, Light Walk, Lizard Climb, Mental Strength, Pressure Points, Pressure Secrets, Push, Throwing Art.

Cinematic Techniques: Any Judo, Any Knife, Hand Catch, Lethal Strike, Pressure Point Strike, Roll with Blow.

Perks: Chi Resistance: Any, Drunken Fighting, Special Exercises (DR 1 with Tough Skin), Special Exercises (Striking ST +1), Style Adaptation (Any Chinese Style), Technique Mastery (Any Judo or Sword).

Magic: Like the Wudang, the Laughing Devils are magicians. Their magic is based on Wudang magic, and should use the same system.

Associated Groups: Demons, Ghosts, Ghouls, Lycanthropes, Occultists, Things Man Was Not Meant To Know, Vampires.

Patron Yaoguai (demons) include: Baigujing (the “skeleton”), Niumowang (the “bull”), Pipa Jing (the “specter”), Jiutou Zhiji Jing (of the “beautiful eyes”), Hánlěng Dì Dìyù Mówáng (“Cold Hell Devil”), Hēi'àn Mówáng Dìyù (“Dark Hell Devil”), and Yī Wàn Bǎ Jiàn Jīngshén (“Ten Thousand Swords Spirit”).

Laughing Devils Relations

“Thou shalt not keep company with laughing devils, for they will consume thy soul.”—Alistair Crowley, The Book of the Law, 1904.

The Laughing Devils are generally seen as crazy and dangerous and that seems to be how the Laughing Devils like it. Wushu does its best to exterminate the Devils, but they are hard to track down and harder to defeat. The Five Venoms sometimes attempts to recruit Devils into organized crime, but while the Devils make effective organized criminals for a time, they usually go haywire sooner or later.

Laughing Devils as Heroes

The classic Laughing Devils hero is a kindly lunatic, full of manic energy, wild exuberance, and strange ideas. Their time serving demons has left them psychologically and emotionally warped. While they are neither vicious nor unhappy, they are eccentric enough that they can rarely pass for normal and often give the impression of being mentally ill. They have a reputation for wanton and irresponsible use of magic.