Inglorious Monsters:Dietrich Küpper

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Dietrich Küpper

Bio goes here

Legend: Unexpected

Life: Selfless

Family: Eshmaki

Hunger: Punishment

Horror: Der Großmann

Concept: Slender-Stiglitz

Beats: 0

Experiences: 0


  • Find out what that thing in the tube is
  • Get a decent meal
  • Stab a nazi in the face


Health: 9

Willpower: 5

Lair: 2

Satiety: 3/10

Size: 7

Defense: 6

Initiative Modifier: 6

Speed: 11

Conditions: Starving


Intelligence 2

Wits 3

Resolve 2

Strength 3

Dexterity 3

Stamina 2

Presence 2

Manipulation 2

Composure 3


Academics 1

Crafts 1

Medicine 1

Investigation 1

Occult 1

Athletics 3

Brawl 2

Drive 1

Firearms 2

Stealth 2

Survival 2

Weaponry 3

Empathy 1

Intimidation 2

Persuasion 1

Socialize 1

Subterfuge 2


Contacts (Resistance) 2

Killer Instinct 3

  • spend dots to: ignore 1/1 armor, convert 1 bashing damage to lethal, or ignore 1 point of target's Defense

Killer Instinct (Advanced) 1

  • after 1 turn assessing target, spend dots to: convert 1 lethal to aggravated, destroy 1/1 armor, or ignore 2 points of Defense and single die penalty for called shots

Quick Draw


  • English
  • French

Professional Training (Ex-Soldier) 2

  • Asset Skills: Firearms, Survival
  • Two dots of Contacts related to Profession
  • 9-Again on Asset Skill rolls


From the Shadows

  • Normal Effect: Perception rolls to notice the Beast automatically fail as long as he remains still or is part of a crowd of at least 10 people. The Beast is similarly undetectable in videos and photographs taken of the scene. Ineffective against magical detection.

  • Low Satiety: The Beast gains the rote quality on Stealth and other rolls related to stalking prey, and automatically wins initiative in the first round of combat.

  • Satiety Expenditure: Normal effect, but remains effective while moving. Clash of Wills against supernatural detection. +3 on Stealth rolls to avoid being heard.

Relentless Hunter

  • Normal Effect: The Beast has incredible stamina and pushes on through injuries without complaint, knowing it is only a matter of time before he is at full strength again. Flesh knits together, burns pinken and smooth, and bruises shrink to nothing in seconds. Lost Health returns at the following rate:

- One point of bashing damage per turn.

- One point of lethal damage every half hour.

- One point of aggravated damage every three days.

The Beast also adds his Lair dots on Stamina + Resolve rolls made to resist poisons and toxins, and he can remain wide awake and active for a number of days equal to (10 – his Satiety dots) before succumbing to fatigue.

  • Low Satiety: The Beast downgrades damage equal to twice his Lair dots at the end of any scene in which he is hurt. Aggravated becomes lethal, lethal becomes bashing, and bashing damage is fully healed. Furthermore, he relentlessly pursues his Hunger. He need not eat, drink, or rest as long as he is actively pursuing a Satiety increase, such as a Nemesis working through the night to set up an elaborate trap to punish the guilty.

  • Satiety Expenditure: As a last resort, the Beast draws his Horror into his broken flesh, filling in the gaps and borrowing the strength to fight. All bashing and lethal damage, or aggravated damage equal to the character’s Lair, is immediately healed. Furthermore, the Beast cannot be stunned or incapacitated for the remainder of the scene, and suffers no penalties for injury. If the character’s rightmost box is marked with bashing or lethal damage, the Beast keeps fighting normally, though he still dies from aggravated damage in his rightmost Health box.

Looming Presence

  • Normal Effect: The Beast's actual height and weight are unchanged, but his effective size is raised by (his Lair dots). Gains rote quality on Intimidation rolls. Hard Leverage opens 1 extra door.

  • Low Satiety: Any opponent smaller than the Beast's effective Size suffers a penalty to all attacks against the Beast equal to half the Beasts's Lair (round up). After making a successful attack, may roll Presence+Intimidation against target's Resolve+Composure to place Beaten Down Tilt.

  • Satiety Expenditure: Size bonus=Lair x 2. +10 Speed.


You Are Not Alone

  • Dice Pool: Manipulation + Satiety vs. Resolve + Supernatural Tolerance

  • Normal: victim takes -2 on all Perception rolls.

  • High Satiety: The Beast names someone or something the victim is compelled to ignore for the duration.

  • Satiety Expenditure: victim fails all Perception rolls unless he spends his action. Exceptonal success threshold on a single extended action chosen by the Beast lowered to 3.

  • Exceptional Success: All of the victim's failed Perception rolls are treated as Dramatic Failures.

You Will Never Rest

  • Dice Pool: Wits + Satiety vs. Stamina + Supernatural Tolerance

  • Normal: Victim gains the Fatigued Condition as though awake for 24 hours. If already awake 24+ hours, add 24 to total.

  • High Satiety: Each success on activation roll counts as 24 hours without sleep. If victim falls asleep, no Willpower regained, attempts to wake roll only chance die.

  • Satiety Expenditure: Victim instead gains Frightened Condition. Beast designates (Wits) triggers for Frightened Condition.

  • Exceptional Success: Victim suffers -2 penalty on all Stamina + Resolve rolls to remain conscious.

Der Großmann

Health: ?

Power: 3

Finesse: 3

Resistance: 3

Lair Traits

Disruption (Major)

  • Electrical devices do not function as long as the Trait is in effect.

Poor Light (Minor)

  • –2 penalty to visual-based Perception rolls, including ranged combat, rising to –3 at medium range and –4 at long range

Maze (Minor)

  • characters wishing to trace their steps or escape the area must succeed at an Intelligence + Composure roll at a three dice penalty.

Lair Chambers

Heart: A forgotten forest, where paths and branches twist and twine like mating snakes, and light is scarce.

Equipment and Gear
