The World of Kung-Fu 5.2: Infinite Fighting Federation

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Infinite Fighting Federation: The Modern Gladiators


“Q: Why did the IFF fighter punch his mother?

A: He had positional advantage.”—Wulin joke.

Boxing and wrestling have long been popular entertainment, so it was inevitable that Western styles would eventually be tried against Eastern styles in “mixed martial arts” matches. Despite the best efforts of the traditional martial arts community to keep eastern martial arts out of the public eye, they failed to stop mixed martial arts from being a wild success with a wide following. Media franchises flourished, like Extreme Combat Sports, King of Warriors, MMA Beatdown, Rage Cage, and Wide World of Combat. However, the number one franchise, towering over the rest in ratings and popularity, is the Infinite Fighting Federation. Joining the IFF is as simple as paying the $10 registration fee. Competitors train in their chosen martial arts in commercial schools, often mixing styles to achieve the most effective combination. While the IFF is not technically a faction, IFF fighters network and form relationships and loyalties that often results in them banding together in times of danger.

“Is someone there? Wing Chun?”—IFF joke.

Just as the Wulin feared, mixed martial arts fighters began to realize that eastern styles are straightforwardly superior to western ones. Increasingly, western styles are being ignored as fighters focus on those eastern or eastern-derived styles that are seen as “pragmatic”, such as Brazilian Ju Jutsu, Jeet Kune Do, Judo, Kyokushin Karate, Shotokan Karate, Muay Thai and Taekwondo. Worse yet, martial arts masters have been tempted by the big money on offer to train MMA fighters, leading to some fighters with the Trained by a Master advantage. Nothing actually cinematic has appeared on television during a match for two reasons. Firstly, the trainers, who don’t want to get into trouble with the traditional martial arts community, warn the fighters not to show their full skills. Secondly, even on those occasions when a fighter has broken the rules and shown off, the cameras have “malfunctioned” and failed to take the footage. Presumably, Wushu is behind this mysterious technical difficulty, but who knows?

“Q: Why can’t MMA fighters play GURPS? A: Every time they throw the dice, they start kicking them.”—anonymous joke.

Infinite Fighting Federation Relations

Q: “What do you call a fighter who’s mastered all forms of kung fu?”

A: “Anything you want.”—IFF joke.

The Wulin have been horrified by the growing popularity of the IFF and other organizations that turn martial arts into public entertainment. They reason that it will be impossible to keep the power of Kung Fu secret if is being used in popular televised competitions. The Wulin believe that if ordinary Americans become aware of the power of Kung Fu, and pursue it for its power alone without regard to traditional moral teachings, the West will collapse into anarchy forever.

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Most IFF fighters are ignorant of the existence of the Kung Fu War and the various Kung Fu factions. They do instinctively hide their most amazing cinematic abilities, by they don’t know why. Presumably it has something to do with the Wushu effect. Wondering about the code of secrecy is often the first step an IFF fighter goes through in coming to learn about the secret world of Kung Fu. Most often, the first faction they become aware of is the Circle of Iron, where martial arts competition is even fiercer than in the IFF. Once an IFF fighter has started hanging out the underground fight circuit, they are part of the Kung Fu underground, ready to be recruited by criminals, Vigilantes, and anyone else who could use their skills.

Infinite Fighting Federation as Heroes

Most IFF fighters are just ordinary decent people who love the martial arts. While few of them know anything about the Kung Fu War, plenty of them are willing to stand up to evil when it crosses their path. Sometimes, they cross path with evil just by being in the IFF, as Wushu, Devils, and especially the Venoms and Maniacs, plot to take control of the popular franchise. IFF fighters may join Vigilante groups without leaving the IFF, a state of affairs that horrifies the Wulin.

Infinite Fighting Federation as Villains

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The Infinite Fighting Federation attracts glory-seekers, so many fighters are selfish, greedy, narcissistic, and like to impose their will on other people to demonstrate their own superiority. They can be bullies, or simply indifferent to the desires of other people. They often ignore the law as something that doesn’t apply to special people like them. Some IFF fighters join the Maniac Warrior Empire, or work as muscle for other criminal syndicates. Often, IFF fighters cause trouble just to prove how tough they are. A local dojo, kwoon or Vigilante group could be targeted by IFF fighters who simply want to prove that they are stronger. IFF fighters who become aware of the Circle of Iron often become jealous of the respect accorded to Circle competition titles, and want to see the whole organization destroyed.