Heresy is the Greatest of Sins:Viktor Valtieri

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Viktor Valtieri.jpg

Alright folks, meet your Inquisitor: Viktor Valtieri of the Ordo Hereticus!

Descended from the infamous Valtieri dynasty of Rogue Traders who made their fortune selling powerful crystalline weapons 'enhanced' by the Warp - known as Phozon Blades - to various worlds in the middle of war, Inquisitor Valtieri has an excellent track record of finding filthy heretics, including other Inquisitors. He's also a sanctioned psyker, specializing in Pyromancy, and tends to favor other psykers as a result, outright refusing to take precautions other Inquisitors might - such as explosive collars, psychic hoods, or even mercy blades.

Prone to extreme mood swings, Viktor could be amiable one moment and then suddenly enter a violent rage, hurling furniture and fire with little regard to those around him. He is excused these eccentricities however thanks to his service to the Emperor. Currently he resides in and is in charge of Catalyst Station, a large space station which serves as the Inquisitorial HQ for the Askellon Sector.

He is also never seen without his trusty Phozon axe - ensured pure and sanctified by the Ecclesiarchy of course, - his inferno pistol, and his bio and cybernetically engineered hound Cerberus. In addition, two Sisters of Battle tend to flank him at all times to serve as his personal protectors.