Mano a Mano:Templates
Templates are used to generate characters. Each template represents a certain type of character. The character could be a person, animal, alien, monster or even a machine depending on their template. A template can be a race, species, model, stereotype or archetype. Age categories and sexes can have seperate templates if the differences are significant. The template provides modifiers for most of the character's natural features:
Template ________________________________________ Mass _______ kg - _______ kg Length _______ m - _______ m type:_____________ Agility Speed Health Power CP _______ _______ _______ ___-___ (_______+_______+_______+_______) = (______) ABILITIES Limit Mod ModCP SpcCP CP ______________ _____ ___ (_____)+(_____)=(______) ______________ _____ ___ (_____)+(_____)=(______) ______________ _____ ___ (_____)+(_____)=(______) ______________ _____ ___ (_____)+(_____)=(______) NATURAL ARMOR Abs Cvr AbsCP CP ______________________ ___ ___ x (_____)=(______) ______________________ ___ ___ x (_____)=(______) NATURAL WEAPONS Dex Reach Shp Qty CP _______________ _____ ____m _____ _____ CP (_____+_____+_____)=(______) _______________ _____ ____m _____ _____ CP (_____+_____+_____)=(______) _______________ _____ ____m _____ _____ CP (_____+_____+_____)=(______) Manual Dexterity CP (______) Total CP (______) TEMPLATE ________________________ Mass _____kg - _____kg Length _____m - _____m _________ Agi Spd Health Power CP ___ ___ ______ ___-___ _________ ABILITIES Limit Mod _______________________ _____ ___ _______________________ _____ ___ _______________________ _____ ___ _______________________ _____ ___ NATURAL ARMOR Cvr Abs _________________________ ___ ___ _________________________ ___ ___ NATURAL WEAPONS Dex Reach Shp Qty _______________ ___ ____m ___ ___ _______________ ___ ____m ___ ___ _______________ ___ ____m ___ ___
Name and Dimensions
- Template - the name of the template, which can include details such as age group or sex if templates are seperated by age group or sex.
- Length - The minimum and maximum length or height of characters represented by the template.
- Mass - The minimum and maximum mass for characters who use this template
- Carrying Capacity (CC) - this is how much equipment mass it takes to raise the character's Enc (encumbrance) by one more level. The appropriate CC for the template is listed on the Size Table on the same line as the template's Power (Pow) bonus.
- Stride - Affects how fast characters with this template can move
- Reach - Affects the range of most hand to hand attacks
- Agi (Agility)
- Abs (Absorption)
- Pwr (Power)
The minimum natural abilities and disabilities shared by all characters that use this template.
- Mod - The template's modifier (levels added) to each ability
Natural Armor
Modifiers for each type of natural armor
- Cvr (Cover)
- Abs (Absorption)
- What we think of as a "right hand" is a "Primary Limb."
- What we think of as a "left hand" is a "Secondary Limb".
- Wielding a weapon with two (or more) Primary or Secondary Limbs gives a +1 modifier to rolls with that weapon.
- Wielding a weapon with only a Primary limb gives a modifier of +0.
- Wielding a weapon with only a Secondary Limb gives a modifier of -1 (negative one.)
- Limbs that cannot be used to wield weapons but can still be used to attack with are called "Other Limbs"
Natural Weapons
Stats and modifiers for each natural weapon
- Agi (Agility)
- Rch (Reach)
- Pwr (Power)
- Shp (Sharpness)
Template CP
- Dim. CP (Dimensions CP)
- Abil.CP (Abilities CP) - The CP of modifier plus the ability's special CP (if any)
- ArmorCP (Natural Armor CP)
- LimbsCP (Limbs CP)
- Wpn. CP (Natural Weapons CP)
- TotalCP Sum of the Dimension, Ability, Natural Weapon, Limb and Armor CP
Template CP
Template CP is the sum of the template's ability, disability, variability, toughness, power, speed, agility, natural weapon and armor CP.
- Template Ability CP
- The CP of a template ability is the ability modifier times 15: 15 CP for a modifier of 1 or 30 CP for a modifier of 2.
- Template Variability CP
- No variability is worth -10 CP. Low variability is worth -5 CP. Medium variability is worth 0 CP. High variability is worth 5 CP.
- Template Toughness CP
- Each point of template toughness is worth 5 CP.
- Template Power CP
- Each point of template power is worth 10 CP. A natural weapon point of additional power is worth 5 CP, but natural weapon power does not increase the character's carrying capacity or make it easier to wield hefty weapons in any way.
- Template Speed CP
- 1/4 speed is worth -30 CP. 1/2 speed is worth 0 CP. 1 speed is worth 30 CP. 2 speed is worth 60 CP. 3 speed is worth 90 CP.
- Template Agility CP
- 0 agility is worth 0 CP. 1 agility is worth 30 CP. 2 agility is worth 60 CP. 3 agility is worth 90 CP. 4 agiilty is worth 120 CP. 5 agility is worth 150 CP. 6 agility is worth 180 CP.
- Natural Armor CP
- The CP of natural armor is 5 multiplied by the cover and absorption. For example, natural armor with 3 cover and 2 absorption is worth 30 CP.
The CP of template's natural weapons is based on their quantity, sharpness and number of hands:
- Quantity CP
- Quantity CP is based on the total quantity of all of the template's natural weapons. No natural weapons (0 total quantity) is worth -50 CP. A single natural weapon (1 total quantity) is worth -20 CP. Two or more natural weapons is worth 0 CP.
- Template Range CP
- The range of a natural weapon is worth 1 CP per meter.
- Sharpness CP
- Blunt sharpness is worth 0 CP. One sharp natural weapon is worth 20 CP, two or more sharp natural weapons is worth 30 CP. One padded natural weapon is worth 5 CP. Two or more padded natural weapons is worth 8 CP. For example, the sharpness of 10 razor blades (sharp) and 10 electro-shock tentacles (padded) would be worth a total of 38 CP (8 + 30.)
- Hand CP
- Each natural weapon that is a "hand" capable of wielding tools or weapons is worth an additional 10 CP.
Templates can also have various "qualities":
- Flight
- "Powered Flight" is worth 15 CP. "Gliding" is worth 10 CP. "Soaring" requires Powered Flight or Gliding, and is worth 5 CP. "Parachuting" is worth 5 CP.
- Mechanical
- Being Mechanical (rather than organic) is worth 3 CP. (Being organic is worth 0 CP and does not need to be specified if the character is not mechanical.)
- Sensory Impairment
- Blind is worth -70 CP. Deaf is worth -30 CP.
- Communication Impairment
- Dumb is worth -10 CP. Mute is worth -15 CP.
- Physical Impairment
- Lame is worth-30 CP. Immobile is worth -70 CP.
- Mental Impairment
- Inept is worth -20 CP. Unintelligent is worth -40 CP.
Make a Template - Template Generation Example
To demonstrate the creation of a character template, this tutorial will show how to create a human template which can be used for many RPG settings. This template can be used to create most adult human characters, including both men and women.
1. Build - A quick Internet search suggests that average humans are around 75 kg and 1.7 meters tall. Most humans are within 20% of average height but many are more than 10% taller or shorter, so humans have medium variability (worth 0 CP.) Humans have 1 speed (worth 30 CP), 3 strength (worth 30 CP), 5 toughness (worth 25 CP), 0 agility (worth 0 CP), 5 running (worth 50 CP). Humans have no swimming, although individuals can learn to swim, and no airspeed because they cannot fly. 2. Abilities and Qualities - Humans have no special abilities or disabilities. 3. Natural Defenses - Humans have two or more natural weapons, which is worth 0 CP. They have two hands, which together are worth 20 CP. Humans have no natural armor. 4. Template CP - The total CP value of our new human template is 105 CP. |
human, 75 kg, 1.7 m height, medium variability, 155 CP
1 speed, 0 agility, 3 strength, 5 toughness, 5 running
2 hands (hand)
2 feet