Gebar the Gouty
A character in the The Lost City Lab Lord Campaign.
Gebar the Gouty
- Neutral Magic-user 2
- XP: 2501/5000
- Backstory: Gebar was the youngest of a dozen children born to freeholders staking a claim in the wilderness. With no possibility of an inheritance of any sort, and disdainful of physical labor, Gebar sought the life of an adventuring magic-user to escape the monotony of harvesting potatoes and caring for his parents' emu herd.
- STR 10
- INT 16 (+2)
- WIS 14 (+1)
- DEX 7 (-1)
- CON 15 (+1)
- CHA 15 (+1)
- HP: 5
- AC: 10
- Attack:
- Movement:
- Treasure-bearing movement:
- Saves:
- Death Ray or Poison
- Magic Wands
- Paralysation or Petrification
- Dragon Breath
- Rod, Stave, or Spell: