Firefly: Hunter's Moon - Mel
Mel :: Captain
- Pysical [d6]
- Mental [d8]
- Social [d10]
Trained Skills
- Fly [d8]
- Focus [d6]
- Influence [d10]
- Know [d6] | Politics [d6]
- Notice [d8]
- Operate [d6]
- Shoot [d8]
- Survive [d10]
- Trick [d8] | Smuggling [d6]
Untrained Skills [d4]
- Craft, Drive, Fight, Labor, Move, Perform, Sneak, Throw, Treat
Bolded Triggers are active.
Rancher [d8] -
- Step Back - Roll d4 Instead of d8 for 1 PP
- Lay of the Land - Spend 1 PP to reveal a fact about the natural world you’re standing on—environmental conditions, weather, or animal life—as a d8 Asset.
Shady Business Man [d8] -
- Step Back - Roll d4 Instead of d8 for 1 PP
Ship's Captain [d8] -
- Step Back - Roll d4 Instead of d8 for 1 PP
- Lead the Crew - When one of your crew directly follows one of your orders, spend 1 PP and give that Crewmember an Asset equal to your Influence die rating.
Signature Assets
Asset [ ] Description
Describe your character here