Spring of Hubris Varius Grimoire

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Muto Animal[edit]

Doublet of Impenetrable Silk
MuAn 15
R: Touch; D: Sun; T: Ind
Change an item made of animal material — silk, wool, or leather — so it cannot be cut or penetrated by weapons. A simple cloth doublet becomes the equivalent of armor with no Load and a +3 Soak bonus. Armor made of quilted material or any kind of leather improves its Protection by an additional +3. The magic does not make the armor better at absorbing shock, so this +3 bonus is the limit that can be bestowed without changing the material into something completely different. At the storyguide’s option, the bonus given by this spell may not apply against strictly blunt weapons like clubs and staves. (Base 4, +1 Touch, +2 Sun)
[See AM 118]


Creo Ignem[edit]

Heat of the Glowing Forge
CrIg 15
R: Voice; D: Mom; T: Ind
Heats a piece of metal so that it glows red hot. Varius mostly uses this as part of his crafting, as a substitute for the, you know, actual heat of an actual forge. The fact that it can also target metal armor (as the Heat of the Searing Forge spell, except with +10 damage instead of +5, repeating each round at 2 points less per round) is actually mostly incidental. No, really. If cast multiple times on the same piece of metal, it is likely to melt: again, for Varius that is often the point.
(Base 5, +2 Voice)
[See AM 140]


Rego Terram[edit]

Invisible Catapult of Vilano ReTe 20
R: Voice; D: Mom; T:Ind
This spell picks up a nearby rock (from a pebble up to the size of a fist) and flings it at a designated target as though it were shot from a sling or a tiny catapult. It does up to +10 Damage. The rock is fired as though it was a projectile, so only it's initial motion is magical. Thus, while it needs to be aimed (Per+Finesse roll, Range increment of 20 paces), it does not need to Penetrate Magical Resistance. Of course, it is of little use if there are no convenient pebbles nearby.
(Base 10, +2 Voice)
[See HoH:Soc 38]

The Instant Cavern
ReTe 25
R: Voice; D: Mom; T: Part
This spell excavates about ten cubic paces worth of earth and stone and stacks it in crude blocks next to the created pit or cavern. If you use it to create a ten yard deep pit under someone's feet they get a Quickness roll of 9+ to avoid it, and take +10 damage if they fall. Creating a wider pit can catch two or more people and increases the Quickness roll Ease Factor to 12+, but reduces the damage to +5 and makes the pit easy to climb out of. The created blocks are simply stacks of dirt and/or crudely quarried stone. A Perception+Finesse roll of 6+ can produce blocks suitable for building.
(Base 3, +1 affects stone, +2 Voice, +1 Part, +1 Size, +1 sculptable)

The Phantom Blacksmith
ReTe 20
R:Touch; D:Mom; T:Group
This spell transforms iron bars (or other ready iron) into a crafted result, as though a blacksmith had worked on it. A Per+Finesse roll is substituted for the Craft:Blacksmith roll, and the Ease Factor is increased by three over what it would normally be. Failure results in a product that doesn't function or is useless at its intended purpose (eg. A blunt and unwieldy sword), while a botch results in an item that looks fine but has hidden flaws.
(Base 2, +2 Metal, +1 Touch, +2 Group, +1 Flexibility)
[See Cov 51]

Unseen Servant
ReTe 15, with requisites
This spell functions like Unseen Porter, but is more precise. It can move small objects quite quickly, and the Finesse stress rolls for delicate work are easier (typically 9+).
(Base 3, +2 Voice, +1 Conc, +1 precision)
[See AM 186]