Sabah bin Hakim

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Sabah ibn Hakim is a player character for the Wealth Of The World play by post game.

Sex: Male
Player: Omar aka Pat
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Skin: Dusky, Persian
Age: 18
Height: 6’1”
Weight: 165 lbs.
Distinct Features: Skin the color of the deep desert stand. Eyes like hawk feathers. Long, aquiline facial features. Sabah is young, handsome, and arrogant, and carries himself like a noble.


Executioner 6

Ability / Score / Mod / Temporary

Strength 10/0
Dexterity 18/+4
Constitution 10/0
Intelligence 14/+2 
Wisdom 12/+1
Charisma 14/+2

Hit Points: 48

Reserve 48 Wounds Current HP Nonlethal

Initiative +4

Speed (full) 30 ft.


Reflex: 10
Fortitude: 6
Will: 7


Passive: 10
Active: 19
Armor Type: Masterwork Studded Leather (no skill check penalty)
Armor DR: 1d3
Shield Type: None


BAB: +6/+1
Melee: +10/+5
Ranged: +10/+5 
Grapple +6/+1

Weapons Attack(s) Damage Critical

Daggers: 1d4/19-20; x2 Two daggers: +8, +8/+3 ((?))


Grouped Skills: Athletics, Perception, Stealth

Athletics: 9

Climb(P) 9/9
Jump(P) 9/9
Swim(P) 9/9

Perception: 9

Listen 9/10
Search 9/11
Sense Motive 9/10
Spot 9/10

Stealth: 9

Hide(P) 9/13
Move Silently(P) 9/13
Bluff 9/11

Ungrouped Skills

Forgery 9/11
Diplomacy 11/13/15 with nobles
Gather Information 9/11
Disguise 9/11/(13)
Sleight of Hand (P,T) 11/15
Ride 9/13
  • Open Lock(T)
  • Sleight of Hand(P,T)
  • Intimidate 4
  • Perform
  • Appraise
  • Concentration
  • Decipher Script(T)
  • Heal
  • Knowledge(T)
  • Speak Language(T)
  • Balance(P)
  • Escape Artist(P)
  • Tumble(P,T)
  • Concentration
  • Decipher Script(T)
  • Spellcraft(T)
  • Use Magic Device(T)
  • Disable Device(T)
  • Handle Animal(T)
  • Survival
  • Use Rope
  • Craft
  • Profession(T)

(NOTES) P Armor Check Penalty—applies to all Strength and Dexterity based skill checks. A character’s encumbrance (the amount of gear carried, including armor) may also apply an armor check penalty (see “Encumbrance” in Chapter Nine: Adventuring). Shields inflict a check penalty as well.

T Trained Only—you must have at least one rank in the skill to use it.

Traits, Feats, (Feat Mastery) Class Abilities


High Born (+2 Diplomacy w/ nobles, double starting cash & Well educated (+1 skill point/level))

Bewitching (mostly just for roleplaying, but if we can find a way to use it, rock!)


Finesse 3 Lore 2 Power 3 Other 1

  • Razor Fiend 1 (Quick Draw w/ daggers, can add extra dagger attack on full attack)
  • Two Weapon Fighting 1 (BAB penalty equals -2, -4 w/ daggers)
  • Two Weapon Fighting 2 (shield bonus +1)
  • Weapon Finesse 1 (Dex bonus w/ light weapons)
  • Political Mastermind 1 (Manipulation Token pool)

Token Pools

  • Manipulation Token pool
  • Execution Pool (3 tokens/encounter)

Class Abilities

  • Sneak attack +3d6
  • Executioner’s Eye
  • Hindering Cut
  • Armor Piercing Strike
  • Create Distraction


Farsi (native) Common Trade Talk Bactarian


6 daggers; 2 within easy reach, 2 hidden on his person, 2 stored in a safe place

Masterwork Studded leather (175 gp)

Disguise Kit

Fine Clothing

Plain Clothing

Silk Rope

Grappling Hook


A handful, between 50 and 100, gp left over.

Load Weight

CURRENT: Light Medium Heavy Overhead Lift off ground Push or drag


Walk Hustle Run(x3) Run(x4)


Sabah loves: Princess Amestris. Surprising, because until now Sabah has never loved anyone or anything but himself.

Sabah hates: Captain Amit. Considers him low-born scum not fit to empty Amestris's chamber pot. Unfortunately, Amit is in a position of power, and Sabah must allow a healthy dose of respect.

Sabah has: miles of gumption and an ends-justify-the-means attitude. As the youngest of three sons of a nobleman, Sabah knows that he is entitled to nothing and must work for anything he wants.

Sabah wants: excitement, and an official title. The first he has gotten in spades. Not even his allegiance with the Rabid Dogs can shield him from Baldwin. The second, he sees a marriage with Amestris as the fast track towards it, but he is willing to lie, cheat, steal, and murder to get it in other ways.

Sabah fears: Black Baldwin, and his affair coming to light. Baldwin is no joke and no one to be trifled with; a petty noble from a foreign nation doesn't stand much of a chance against the might of a Trade Boss. In regards to the affair, of course Sabah is looking to keep his own skin intact, as Amit is quite the swordsman. But even more (again, surprisingly), he wants neither harm nor shame to befall his beloved.

He claims he'd rather die than see that, but he claims many things....