Naheil Dannen

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Gaunt, gawky, clothes spilling wrist and ankles from the cuffs, high strung and full of energy of the worst and clumsiest kind, with a fading farmers tan, and a shock of red hair that makes him look like a match stick from a distance. Speaks with an Eccose accent that he fights to keep soft but in moments of anger can turn near impenetrable. He smells of chemicals no matter what he does, and his hands are scarred from alchemical experiments.

Amid the sacks of books, reagents and flea market cast tin folding alchemical apparatus he also carries his greatest work, a huge worryingly overbuilt lightning rifle he calls the Minister's Daughter in memory of a crush he had before leaving home. The Daughter is a frightening trumpet mawed fist of glass, blued steel and copper and he tries to practice with her as often as reagents and time allow, hoping to make further improvements.


Dr Vykor Dannen was both the darling, and the demon of the Dorian Bio-alchemical community, celebrated in the most elite of circles... Till the finer details of his research got out, and came the mob, and the pitchforks. His son wanted nothing to do with Alchemy, sold everything of value that was left, bought a farm and devoted his self to raising Air-sheep and a gaggle of children. His son, grandson of the notorious Vykor, Naheil had alchemy in the blood and a loathing for airsheep. Hiding from chores in one of the farms rambling attics he found his grandfathers notes, found truth, and music, and poetry on the scorched and moldy pages. He took the books and he ran away, working as anything he could on any ship that would take him, but always near he engine rooms, asking questions, cross-referencing answers with his pile of texts. what coin he got went on apparatus and more texts. He learned in months procedures that took most years.

Character Sheet[edit]

Refresh: 3


High Concept: Runaway Alchemical Prodigy

Trouble: Naive Awkward Teenager

Aspect 3: I'll Whip Up a Potion

Aspect 4: The Notebook of Dr. Dannan

Aspect 5: Easily Underestimated


Good (+3) Clever

Fair (+2) Flashy, Forceful

Average (+1) Quick, Sneaky

Mediocre (+0) Careful


1: [ ]

2: [ ]

3: [ ]


Mild: _________________________

Moderate: _____________________

Severe: _______________________


The Minister's Daughter - Because I have a custom heavy boltlock rifle I gain +2 to Forcefully Attack with the Minister's Daughter

Stunt 2

Stunt 3


Long coast with hundreds of pockets, large satchel, anarchic collection of reagents, tools, apparatus, note books, textbooks, and the Minister's Daughter.

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