Ursalaine "Ursa" Galois

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Ursalaine Galois (who usually just goes by Ursa... and lives up to her namesake) is in her forties and has spent most of her life aboard ships after running away from an unpleasant home life at a young age. Ursa's tall and strong, with wavy black hair just touched with gray. She takes her job as first mate seriously enough, and some might even accuse her of enjoying keeping the sailors in line. But the other side of Ursa is a penchant for risky behavior almost as wide as the gulf: her first "love" was a set of loaded dice. The gambling (and the cheating) quickly led to her second love, brawling. From there, the adrenaline junky was born, and even the greenest member of the crew knows to watch when Ursa gets that look in her eye.

Character Sheet[edit]

Refresh: 3


High Concept: First Mate of the Maria

Trouble: I'll Take that Bet...

Aspect 3: This Ship is my Life

Aspect 4: Who Said Fighting is Fair?

Aspect 5:


Good (+3) Flashy

Fair (+2) Forceful & Clever

Average (+1) Quick & Sneaky

Mediocre (+0) Careful


1: [ ]

2: [ ]

3: [ ]


Mild: _________________________

Moderate: _____________________

Severe: _______________________


Stunt 1 Because I am The First Mate of The Maria I gain a +2 to Forcefully create advantage when commanding a crew member aboard the ship.

Stunt 2 Because Who Said Fighting was Fair anytime I invoke an opponent's aspect in a no holds barred fight, I gain +1 on the roll.

Stunt 3 Because I'll Take that Bet... I gain +2 to overcome actions to Flashily leap between two floating objects.


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