Godbound: Blood and Oil:Scrupulous Liquidator

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Name: Scrupulous Liquidator

Player: EnigmaticOne

Campaign: Blood and Oil

Caste: Moonsilver

Current incarnation: Unstoppable Assassin, Trained in the Strife of the Bitter Rival

Previous incarnation: Jarish Lector who turned his congregation into an anti-Gremlin militia, Innovative Chemical Scientist

Level: 2

Weapon: +5 Assault Crossbow (1d8+3)

Armour: None (Defense 20)


Strength 8 (bonus -1, check 13+)

Dexterity 16 (18 from Alacrity; bonus +3, check 3+)

Constitution 13 (bonus +1, check 8+)

Intelligence 13 (bonus +1, check 8+)

Wisdom 14 (bonus +1, check 7+)

Charisma 10 (16 from Deception; bonus +2, check 5+)

Hardiness: 13+

Evasion: 11+

Spirit: 13+

Hit Points: 14/14

Experience Points: 5

Available Dominion: 0

Spent Dominion: 2

Installed Charms

Alacrity (Inherent) - Raises DEX to 18. Cannot be surprised.

Walk Between the Rain (1) - Natural AC 3, no benefit from armour.

Bow (3) - Never run out of ammunition. Can call fired projectiles back. Never hurt anyone unintentionally with a projectile.

Deception (3) - Raises CHA to 16.

Stored Charms

Omnipresent Reach (1) - Ranged attacks do 1d10 and has reach = anything you can see with natural sight.

The Inexorable Shaft (2) - Commit Effort. Ranged attacks do maximum damage and ignore cover.

All Directions As One (1) - Can navigate vertical or overhanging surfaces as if flat ground. Can pass through rough terrain effortlessly. Invulnerable defense against being pushed or made to fall.

Walking Ghost (2) - Commit Effort. Cannot be detected. Spirit save lets worthy enemy detect you.

Bolt of Invincible Skill (1) - Always hit an unaware or inanimate target. May Commit Effort to end scene so current or next ranged attack does maximum damage and hits on everything but a nat 1.

Strife of the Bitter Rival

Initiate: When fighting a solitary opponent in single combat, the initiate can roll hit rolls twice and take the better result.

Disciple: When fighting a single opponent, the disciple may automatically succeed at a saving throw against a power their enemy uses once per scene, if a save is allowed.

Master: When fighting a single opponent, the master’s number of attacks are doubled so long as no other allies have yet engaged the opponent or aided the master.


Uncommitted (2)

Committed for the day (1)


Uncommitted (3)